looking for a daily practice


Hello all!

I have been looking to start doing a daily practice/ ritual tarot pull in the mornings, but I have not found a routine practice that seems to keep me motivated to get up in the morning and go to tarot. I would like to start a daily practice in order to improve the disposition that I enter my day with.

I am curious, does anyone have a daily practice that they would like to share? Specifically, if anyone has a daily practice that might especially help someone going through a transition/ tumultuous time in their life.

Thanks and blessings!

Theta Choir

I like this question, because I struggle with this a bit as well. The standard recommendation seems to be a daily draw and/or recording that draw in a tarot journal. But honestly, that feels like *homework*, and I want to do something that feels enjoyable.

But unless I have something specific to read about, I tend not to work with my cards. Occasionally, I will just sit with my deck and shuffle it, looking at random cards and studying them as they come up. I can do this even while just watching tv. It's a good way to bond/familiarize myself with a deck, but it doesn't really get me thinking about how to interpret the cards, so it's value is somewhat limited.

I'd like to hear what suggestions other people may have. There are a ton of vibrant, energetic, and creative people on this forum, so hopefully someone will bring up one of those fantastic ideas that, after hearing it, you can't believe it didn't occur to you before! :p


I like this question, because I struggle with this a bit as well. The standard recommendation seems to be a daily draw and/or recording that draw in a tarot journal. But honestly, that feels like *homework*, and I want to do something that feels enjoyable.

Do either of you have an outdoor area, a garden or a courtyard or even just a balcony?

Get up out of bed, wrap yourself up so that you won't be arrested for indecency, take your Tarot deck, go out into that area, and wait for the first sound you hear that is not made by man or a machine. It might be a dog barking, or a bird calling, or even the wind through the trees.

When you've identified that sound, shuffle, and pull a card. Look at it.

Go inside, get your day started (shower, dress, have tea, etc).

When your day is started, go outside again. Can you still hear that same sound? How has it changed? Look at that same card. How has it changed? Enjoy.

This should add a whole ten minutes to your day - not a huge problem for anyone, and it's fun.


I don't particularly have a set ritual...I usually do my daily draws in the parking lot at work :laugh:
I document most of them on Instagram and use that to sort of journal them/make things interesting with the responses people will leave on the posts.


This is a great question. I am pretty inconsistent with my routine as well. I try to pair it with my attempts at daily meditation and it works out okay... sometimes I nail it 9AM and other times I get to it around 2PM sometimes not at all. I usually do a three card spread.

I agree with it feeling like homework. I use the Fool's Dog app throughout the day to just scroll through cards and their meaning on my phone (since I'm on a social media hiatus).

I would be interested in hearing about daily routines that occur at various times during the day. Not to hijack the thread but in addition to the initial question- I'm curious about whether folks practice their routine at night, mid-day, morning.


I have a deck in my bag and on my desk at all times. When I feel I need a break, I either choose or pull a card and put it so that I can see it for the rest of the day on my desk. I have no ritual, just focus - shuffle - pick the card - look at it - think about it. Most of the time, I take a picture and send it to Evernote. If I have insights, I note them there. (For Lenormand, I have a hand written journal).

I find that I don't keep up with fixed rituals.


I am not very disciplined with time, but I did start a morning practice fairly regularly. I like to dump my brain for three pages of quick non stop writing (see Julia Cameron's, "The Artists Way"). That usually gives me an idea I'd like to pull for. I try to jot it down in a journal, but sometimes I am too lazy. Incense and a candle and coffee or tea make for a nice ritual too. Rainy days are just Sweeeeeeeet! [emoji178][emoji259]

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Just to clarify.....you are looking for a daily tarot practice that doesn't involve drawing any tarot cards???

I like this question, because I struggle with this a bit as well. The standard recommendation seems to be a daily draw and/or recording that draw in a tarot journal. But honestly, that feels like *homework*, and I want to do something that feels enjoyable.

But unless I have something specific to read about, I tend not to work with my cards.

IMHO, you don't need anything specific to read about. The cards will tell you what you need to know. When I do a daily draw, I will ask, "What do I need to know most right now?", or "What is my lesson for today?". The cards never disappoint.


Well, to get a routine going you first need to break through that "losing motivation"-stage that we all go through when trying to creative a new habit. ;) For many years I kept losing motivation with a daily card practice, but when I set my mind on doing it for a month, after that it became natural.

My daily practice is to ask an oracle or tarot deck "What message do I need to focus on today?". With oracles I draw one card usually, with tarot two or three cards. Sometimes I mix it up and might ask "What does my body, mind and soul need today?" and draw three cards for each area of myself.

If I have an extra minute I sit with the image and a crystal in my hands, to kind of soak up the message. But if I'm a bit stressed I snap a photo of the reading and then look at it again a bit more thoroughly on the bus or so. :) It doesn't have to be more complicated than that, for me at least.

I love having a daily oracle/tarot practice because I find it grounds me, helps me focus on the important stuff, keeps my intuition "in shape", and helps me connect with my beautiful decks.


Mine is easy. I brew my decaf coffee and start shuffling the cards. Then I lay out some and see what they say. I don't ask a question of them or use any particular spread.

And then, because I can now that I'm retired, I just keep doing that off and on all day. :)