Looking for a Lammas / Lughansad Spread

Astraea Aurora

Looking for a Lammas / Lughnasad Spread

Hi folks,

you know today is Lammas, also called Lughnasad. It's the first (of three) harvest holidays - the other two being Mabon and Samhain. In order to celebrate the day I'm in search of a nice, little spread - something around the beginning of the harvest, the end of the growing season, the soon-to-be end of the summer. (Not so much on autumn and the coming of winter as this feels more Mabon-like to me.)

I haven't found anything in the Spread Index. The spread in Christine Jette's book 'Tarot for all seasons' doesn't feel right to me as it focuses on career-money-health-etc. The spread in Jeanne Ruland's book is too long for me, plus I don't like it.

So, does anyone have a good idea for a Lammas spread?

Many thanks in advance, Astraea Aurora :grin:


Can't say I've seen any, but I'm dying to see the replies to this one :) I might devise one when I get home from work, have to take a look at my notes. There'll definitely be something about "what's ready for reaping in your life" and "what important aspect of your current situation will be weakening" :)


Ok, writing from home. As usual - never say "definitely" or "I know for sure" about anything. I focused on the traditional foods for this one, and you could have something like this:


1. Grains - what you've sown, what you've given of yourself this year
2. Bread - what you've made, what you've achieved from what you were given
3. Apples - what's ripe and ready for you, an upcoming feast
4. Berries - luck's little surprises and helpful tips for your future journey



Thank you for posting this. I am looking forward to giving it a try.


I'm going to try this spread too.
Thanks Yurikome!

Suz :heart:


It is funny that you should ask....:D

I just received in the mail, today, a copy of Christine Jette's Tarot for All Seasons, in which she explores various rituals and offers spreads for all the sabats throughout the year.

And I just used her spread, called Harvest Home, to offer some Lammas readings on the exchange board.

*Again, this is NOT my spread, it was created by Christine Jette:

(a 7-card spread that circles around, with card number 1 at the bottom, card 2 in the middle, and card 3 at the top....cards 4 through 7 run clockwise in a circle around #2.

Position 1: Grounding (represents querent)

Position 2: Career, Attitudes about Work

Position 3: Finances, Attitudes about Money

Position 4: Connections and Sharing (love, relationships)

Position 5: Health and Healing (self-care, spirituality)

Position 6: First Harvest (summary of present situation)

Position 7: Fruition (outcome)

I think that this spread works best for general, non-specific readings, to provide an overview of all aspects of the querent's life. I just used it in a reading with a specific question, and it was a little tricky, but still loved it!

:) Luna


lunakasha said:
...I just received in the mail, today, a copy of Christine Jette's Tarot for All Seasons, in which she explores various rituals and offers spreads for all the sabats throughout the year.
I really like this book and have enjoyed using the seasonal spreads as well as the lunar cycle spreads. :D

Suz :heart:


Yurikome said:
Ok, writing from home. As usual - never say "definitely" or "I know for sure" about anything. I focused on the traditional foods for this one, and you could have something like this:


1. Grains - what you've sown, what you've given of yourself this year
2. Bread - what you've made, what you've achieved from what you were given
3. Apples - what's ripe and ready for you, an upcoming feast
4. Berries - luck's little surprises and helpful tips for your future journey


I was just looking for something like this! thank you! I am starting to try out some spreads for certain occassions.

HAPPY Lughnasad/LAMMAS!!!!!
:love: :party:

Astraea Aurora

Yurikome said:
Ok, writing from home. As usual - never say "definitely" or "I know for sure" about anything. I focused on the traditional foods for this one, and you could have something like this:


1. Grains - what you've sown, what you've given of yourself this year
2. Bread - what you've made, what you've achieved from what you were given
3. Apples - what's ripe and ready for you, an upcoming feast
4. Berries - luck's little surprises and helpful tips for your future journey


Hi Yurikome,

I really like your spread. I has some similarities to the one I came up with. Thank you, I've already saved it.

Many Lammas blessings, Astraea Aurora :grin:

Astraea Aurora

Hi lunakasha,

thank you for Christine Jette's spread. As I said in my initial post I considered using it but then I didn't like it. For me it was more in line of a general spread, covering career, health, love, friendship etc. But thanks anyway.

Many Lammas blessings, Astraea Aurora :grin: