Looking for a source for Lenormand Oracle


This deck is also called Oracolo Lenormand and I am not aware of any sources in the US. It is available through Alida (http://alidastore.com) in Italy and Somerville in England (http://www.playingcardsales.co.uk/cards/). Neither site allows for a direct link to the appropriate page, but both have a Search function that will lead you to the deck. Unfortunately, shipping rates to the US are a bit high right now -- about twice the cost of the oracle.

For others who are interested in the Lenormand Oracle, this is what it looks like: http://www.learntarot.com/lndesc.htm. There is a purchasing link to Amazon on the page, but the deck is unavailable through Amazon (at least in the US).


I just received the LS Lenormand Oracle from Somerville. I chose the economy shipping and it took two weeks between my order and when it arrived to me in New England. Somerville has excellent service, the deck was very well packed.

-- Lee


Thanks for that information Lee. I just purchased Summerville's last LS Lenormand Oracle deck. Their shipping rate is quite good.