Looking for a Vintage Deck!?!


I am looking for a deck that might either look vintage/historical. Possibly with a generic brown back.. It kind of hard to explain other that old, I guess. LOL

If anyone has seen Carnivale on HBO, the opening sequence has an awesome looking deck, but it was made for the sequence..

But If anyone can help with my search for a old/vintage/historical looking deck, that would be great. Or even if you have any suggestions as to a place that sells old Deck. That might be ideal!


6 Haunted Days

Definately the Tarocco Soprafino by Il Meneghello. It's a printing of a gorgeous deck from early 19th century (I think?).

It's just amazing! It feels antique, looks it....even has "old stains" on the deck....the colouring is exquisite, the art amazing....

Every little detail about this deck makes it feel magical like you found it buried in an old attic chest.

It's a limted edition of 2,000 decks.


That is the most awesome looking deck I think that I have seen yet. And I need it!!!!! HAHAHA

How trusted are those sites with shopping and things do you think? I really want it but the only places that I see the deck:Tarocco Soprafino is on a site over seas. This site is the cheapest:

Should I be fine with buying over seas? Especially when I cant read the language on the page...LOL


Hi Breezy -

Alidastore is definitely reputable. I love historical decks myself. Also, look for the little british flag in the upper lefthand corner, click on it and the website will be translated into english.

There is a whole page of lovely Il Meneghello decks. Two other favorites are the Minchiate Etruria and the Tarocco italiano Dotti 1845. They are beauties indeed.


The sites are reliable and the decks are beautiful. I have several myself.

However, they are not cheap and they are not so easy to shuffle. They are "arty."

If you want a deck with an old pedigree but on standard, easy-to-shuffle cardstock -- and much cheaper -- you might consider a Marseilles or Marseilles-inspired deck. The Marseille decks ARE old! Or try one with a medieval/rennaisance theme.


My own hands-down, looks beautiful, reasonably priced, easy to read favorite in the "vintage" category is Kat Black's Golden Tarot.


If you spill coffee on it, you can wipe it off. If the dog eats a card, you can replace the deck without going bankrupt. If you want to know what a card image means, it has a really, really good booklet packed right with it in its really, really nice box. The backs are a beautiful gold and brown pattern. AND the cards are gilt-edged. AND it's $25 w/ free shipping from Amazon.com in the US.


You can check House of Tarot too, they are in the US, have very reasonable shipping, and if you type Aeclectic into the discount area of the form you will get 10% off.

You can sort their decks by publisher which is nice when you are looking for older looking decks, as noted above, some are experts at it. Most will have plain pips though, keep that in mind :)


I would definitely also recommend a Soprafino, either the Meneghello version or the Lo Scarabeo if you don't want to spend too much.
Another deck that I think is beautiful is the Vacchetta--Il Meneghello has a limited edition version, and Lo Scarabeo did one that I believe is out of print called Tarot of the Master--Somerville has it and here are some scans:


Beautiful, and the pips are semi-illustrated which might be easier to read :D


I am another vote for the Ancient Italian. It shuffles perfectly as it is laminated, but not overly so, plus you have the artwork of a Soprafino. So, if you are truly planning to use it, this is best bet.

Other possibilities:

Ancient Bologna
Ancient Lombardy
Ancient Minchiate Etruria
Tarot of the Master