LOST had a tarot reader in the episode last night


The episode Wednesday had a flashback for Hurley, who was so convinced he was cursed that his father took him to a tarot reader.

Standard gypsie get-up was worn, very cliche, she had tarot cards and laid down three cards from the deck. I couldn't identify which it was, the backs had a criss cross pattern in beige and browns (newer deck, not the RW or Thoth or any of the old Marseille decks). We never saw the first card, the second I THINK was the 9 of Wands. The third was Death, of course. She told him he'd come into a good bit of money, the second card she told him that it hadn't brought him any happiness. The third she showed him - Death - and said he was under a horrible curse which she could remove...yada yada yada.

At that point he got a funny look on his face, asked her if his dad had put her up to it, he'd give her $1,000 if she'd tell him. She said no. While she tossed herbs and a raw egg into a pot to break his curse he upped his price to $10,000 which got an immediate 'yes he did' from her. So she wasn't doing a real reading after all, and the curse thingie was something she'd been paid to do, when his father had arranged all this.

It was funny, but it really fed into the cliche about readers--the whole Death card, curse on you and everything.


Well, I didn't see the episode, but here is a picture...sadly not an overhead to make it easy to identify the deck, but if anyone wants to give it a go! It looks chunky. Could it be Thothy?


I don't think it was the Medieval Scapini. It is very long but thinner. This deck, like most used on TV, is very thick and boxy shaped. It definitely looks oversized. Nor does it look Visconti. The borders are too light. Hmm....


Nope...you are right! It is the Medieval Scapini. If you look at the Lost Forums you can find pics of it. Thank goodness people do this! Good catch!


Yea, the Medieval Scapini is much smaller, and the Visconti has hardly any white. Hm.


There are more photos on a Lost Forum, but I am not sure if I am allowed to link to it, so I have edited this post. :confused:


Here's the Death card!


  • Death card.PNG
    Death card.PNG
    51.6 KB · Views: 150


Is in the Medieval Scapini? It looked like an interesting deck when I saw it last night.


Yes, it's definitely the Medieval Scapini. It had me at the back. Then I saw the 6 of Swords and was convinced. By the time she flipped over the Death card I was ready to fling my shoes at the TV set.

And whatever happened to Cheech?

Anyway, was it ever a rank misuse of the deck. Of Tarot readers. I know, I know she was supposed to be less than ethical, but still! Bleh. :rolleyes:

Never been a huge Lost fan -- what with all the cheesy, slo-mo musical montages that attempt to pass for plot -- but that episode was truly bad.

It really didn't need the Tarot "reader" (whose shop window had "Psychic" written on it) to take it from silly to ridiculous.