lost items spread w/example

isthmus nekoi

This spread was made out of *dire necessity* ;)


1> North
2> East
3> South
4> West
5> Situation
6> Advice
7> Outcome

isthmus nekoi


After turning my room upsidedown looking for a gift certificate I got for xmas, I thought, why not give tarot a try? Used my trusty Rider-Waite.

1> 2 of wands
2> 2 of swords
3> 7 of wands
4> The Hanged Man r
5> 8 of Cups r
6> 3 of Swords
7> Empress r

Some things struck me immediately. It definetely wasn't in the south (most logical location = my desk). It said to me that I would be searching through papers and papers and ending up w/nothing. Empress looked promising as outcome. 8 of cups... it's like I put it down and walked away for a long time - yup! In any case, it said to me that it wasn't stolen or thrown away etc.

2 of swords (east), wands (north) and 8 of cups all seemed to show me different perspectives of the same location. 2ofs looked like the *opposite* side of 8ofc, especially b/c the cresent moon is reversed from 8ofc. The blindfolded lady didn't look promising in the least anyways.

North was looking better, but there wasn't much in the north of my room. So what about the west? My gut reaction to Hanged Man was that he was hiding something behind his back! I was more certain it was to the west b/c advice was *3* of swords, the Empress is *3* and the Hanged Man is 1+2=*3*. Looking at it again, he reminded me of a ballerina and that's when I suspected my sister had it b/c she does ballet. Plus, 3ofs and Empress have a heart on the card - my sister's room is full of romantic this and that. Her room was to the west and to reach it, I'd have to move north first.... Furthermore, b/c of the way the cups are stacked in 8ofc, I got the impression that the gift cert wasn't where I left it, like I hadn't put it down etc. However, my sister insisted that she had recently cleaned her room and didn't have it; of course I believed her b/c she is ultra neat and I'm always the forgetful one when it comes to things like this...

Well, I kept asking her until she finally said: look, if I had the gift cert, I know exactly where I'd put it. Right here. And there it was!! Granted, it was technically south of where I was, but w/my desk there, you can imagine anything looking promising in the south would have led me right there! thank the tarot gods! ^_^


This is fabulous; thanks so much for sharing in such detail!


Hehee, I LIKE this one isthmus, as always I have to ask...

can I please list that one under "something missing" ?
can I please list the example along with it, it would give a GREAT explanation on how not limit your self in the search ..

please :p

isthmus nekoi

You're welcome & thanks :)

p.s. bec, I'm not sure what you mean by list... what list?..... on a website?



I usually write, " can I please list that in Anjas Tarot as..." so sorry, yes list means Anjas Tarot spread pages. You can see it under my www


Ok, WOW! I have been looking for my keys for 30 minutes. The spread took me right to them, but it was like a clue chase! I had to go to every station on the spread to get the meaning of the card (I thought the reversed star was where the keys were - instead it was where it hit me that they could be...)

More later, I'm late now and have to run! Thank you Tarot Key finding gods!



That will be SO useful, im always loosing stuff!


Well, here's what happened- North was 9 of wands. I actually did the spread at a desk facing the north wall of the house, so there was nowhere to go in that direction. I used RWS, and the figure has his back to the wands.

In the east was 5 of cups reversed. When reversed, the spilled cups are on the right side (east) and the 2 full ones are on the left (west). This told me to stop looking in the kitchen, where the keys were not, but to turn and face the spot where the keys are.

In the south was the four of cups. Aha! South. But wait, the whole house is to the south of me.

In the west was the star, reversed. I felt it was telling me that I would find the keys in the west, so I looked in the southwest corner of the house. It was there, looking under the couch cushions, that it HIT me where the keys were. Something in that area jogged my mind and made me think of where they could be.

Outcome was 2 of cups, so I knew I'd find them without any trouble. Situation was 6 of cups, um, I don't know what that meant. My son and me hanging out at home with no car keys, I guess.

Advice was 10 of pentacles, which I took to mean - it's right here in the center of all this clutter. The keys were in the center of the house (which I
at first thought of as north because I wasn't thinking about the bedroom... you get the idea)

The keys were south west of where I was sitting, in a bowl.

I love it when Tarot works so splendidly for the little day to day things.



wow! That was great!!! I always end up losing stuff at home and this spread sure is gonna help me a lot! Thanks guys!