LS Pagan Tarot - The story of the Plant:


The story of the Plant:
Maybe I have tooooo much imagination, but I thought I share with you the story of the Plant, that I noticed while getting to know the Pagan Tarot deck and its artwork:
( Now, please note that I just have the deck since a few days and I do not have the book, that the deck creator published to explain the cards, so I do not know, if the Plant is mentioned in it.

The story begins with the Empress card:
Here we see our young heroin, I will give her the name Hera, because that is close to “heroin” and it is also a worthy pagan name.
Hera is in the family garden, together with grandma and her little niece....
Hera is about to move away from home, to start her new job and has decided, to take one of the plants from the garden with her into the city, as a memento of her roots in the country – and to her deep connection with the living Earth.
Now: are we seeing Hera planting a row of plants or is she selecting the one she will pot and eventually take with her?

Next let's have a peek at the 7 of Wands:
Hera and her boyfriend are doing some serious planning for now each of them will have to make their own way, enter into the hectic job world and find a suitable place to live.
“Tall dark and handsome” has it all figured out and what should be encouragement, to Hera at times sounds a bit patronizing....
Will their relationship survive?
The little Plant however is doing just fine in its pot on the window sill.

The next segment of the story, -7 of Pentacles- happens a few weeks later, when Hera takes time out, to energetically charge the young Plant she has selected.

Now we have a look at the Chariot:
Well, during her move into the city the “chariot” was in an accident, got clipped by another car and Hera is calling for assistance. I hate to think of our little Plant in that tightly packed car – but, as we see, help is arriving and the Plant's Energy will make sure, the 2 guys showing up only have the best intentions.....

In the 8 of pentacles we see Hera busy at her new job in the office of a large company. She is in the middle of an important negotiation and taps into the Energy of her Power Plant to aid her in finding just the right arguments to convince her boss, to follow the more environmentally friendly rout in manifesting a new project.

In Temperance the virtue of temperance has earned Hera a nice promotion – and along with it a cushy new office. Our plant has grown quite a bit too – and Hera has taken cuttings from it and planted them in all kinds on interesting places......
...other offices.... the city park.... the ritual room of her coven.... and...????where else?

Well, 2 of Swords: time to make a big decision:
After her boyfriend had left her ( 3 of Swords – and NO Plant in sight...)
Hera has met a really nice guy and..... should she merge her life with him or..... the ghost of “tall dark and handsome” is still haunting her..... But – the now wild growing cutting of her Plant is at her right side with the light and the right advice.

4 of Wands!
Let's get out your finery! We are all invited to a hand fasting ceremony at the coven! :)
Hera is VERY happy, and so is her partner!
Yet another cutting of her Plant Guardian is among the Roses decorating the path of the young couple.

Last, for now – or is it?
9 of Pentacles:
Hera went home to mom and gran, to tell them the news: Soon she will not be as slim and trim anymore as she is now. Not only the Rosebush from her hand fasting has grown! While the Cats and Mice playing, yet another cutting from her Guardian is growing in a pot at her left side.
She will leave this one in the care of her gran, until the birth of her baby, when this little Plant will become the Guardian of a new family member.
Closing the circle:

Yet again we are with the Empress card:
Now, is this mom, Hera and Hera's little daughter planting their “special” family Plants?

Well, only the Elemental of Pentacle knows for sure.
He is the one who gave the Plant Spirit to the family.....
….a few thousand years ago......
….when the Tree he now makes his home in was a young sapling......


Nothing is ever quite complete without a visual - of sorts :)
Here is one:

Now I sure would like to know, what significance the Plant has been given in the book, that accompanies the deck...


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Thanks for sharing that story! I never liked the LS Pagan Tarot (much too Wiccan for me), but your story made me look at it in a new way.