LWB vs. Complete Books?


Yes, reading intuitively is also a great way to read. Sometimes when I've done readings for other people and some random thought pops into my head while I'm looking at a particular card, but isn't usually something I would relate to that card, I say what I'm thinking and often the person I'm reading for will respond something like "oh that makes perfect sense!" I don't tell them it was a random thought, they just think I'm a really good reader! :)


JuniperShadow said:
Yes, reading intuitively is also a great way to read. Sometimes when I've done readings for other people and some random thought pops into my head while I'm looking at a particular card, but isn't usually something I would relate to that card, I say what I'm thinking and often the person I'm reading for will respond something like "oh that makes perfect sense!" I don't tell them it was a random thought, they just think I'm a really good reader! :)
Maybe you are ! I read exclusively without using generic meanings - I'm not saying I'm particularly good, but it works for me. (I don't refer to it as reading "intuitively" any more, as that offends - rightly - those who use everything they can bring in - it suggests that they have no intuition and I do. It is sometimes called - here - the glorpish method... :D)


I think I read by virtue of a "mish-mash" of knowledge (ie books), intuition, and experience. ;)

I hope no one feels that they have no intuition, I would like to encourage them. I tend to believe that everyone has some level of intuition, but different people have developed that to a different level. You just have to tune in, so to speak.

Open Arms

Maybe I should change my tag from Intuitive Reader to Glorpish....



But it DOES stop the endless arguments that start up whenever someone says they read intuitively - and everyone (here...) seems to know what I mean when I say it. :D


Open Arms said:
A quick mnemonic I learned (can't remember where it was I read it) which works well uses three words for the pips - Beginnings, obstacles, completion.
Basically this is the system from Papus' Tarot of the Bohemians. I've read that it is also given in the LWB of the Knapp-Hall Tarot. Ms. Greer talks about in her book, Tarot Mirrors.

I like this system a lot, but it does lead to different interpretations than some other number + suit systems. And that seemed to be an obstacle in the original post. But I agree with other folks in this thread: you practice and work a lot with the cards, and then you find that you have your own way, and other views aren't such a problem.


Thanks again for all the help! The mnemonic seems really helpful and so does all the other information. I'm going to work with the cards and see where it takes me. :)