Madame Endora Fortune Cards



What else can we do but help each other....surely that is what life is about

blessings :heart:



The only thing about this deck is that a few of the cards (Chimera, Dragon, Gryphon, Unicorn, Wolf and Wyvern) seem like they were rushed. Perhaps the schedule was tight and they were getting too close to the deadline. I just get the feeling that these cards were drawn in a hurry.


Also, take a closer look at Serendipity and The Spirit; they would appear to be twins....


Yes, Soothsayer, I can agree with what you are saying. The images at first glance seem very simplistic. I mean, they are nicely rendered but not a lot of detail. That is exactly why I think I did not relate to them originally.

But now I'm thinking maybe their ability to be simplistic and help me relate to simple, well-known (at least to me) icons might be why they work well for me. Ah, well. Tis a mystery, and that's partly why I am here! :grin: