Madame Endora's (Secret Circle) Study Group: SEDUCTION


SEDUCTION: Passion and Romance Await.

From The Book:
The enchantress foretells that passion and romance await. Unbridled sensuality weaves an irrestible spell. Your sex appeal is at its height. Secret fantasies manifest themselves through love letters and romantic gestures.

This card is one of the twins (to me). Seduction and Hindrance... these two are twins, and the only two of the lot.

The two females, if the cards are held side by side, are nearly mirror images of each other, with only a few difference found around the face and hair, and of course the wings in the Hindrance card. But, She is our same nymph, just seen in reverse.

The style of the card itself is one of several in the deck whom the artist, Christine Filipak, noticably pays tribute to Alphonse Mucha, a noted Art Nouveau artist. This can especially be seen in the circular patterns in the hair, as well as placing the subject inside a gilded frame Click here to see "Reverie," a very similar example.

The color of the gown is a lush purple, the color of royalty, which pleases me since her sister is in red, and red on the Seduction card would be cliche.

The smoking golden pitcher beside her could be holding incense, but it reminds me of a samovar as well. She could be holding warm Russian tea... or maybe it's chilled wine in her goblet. Or is it mulled wine? Smells and tastes are suggested by the imagery, enhancing the lush feel of the card.

Lush to the senses, full of ripeness and richness, this card promises sensuality to be explored and soft words of seduction to be spoken between you and a beloved one, if you sip from her cup.

September Pixie

This card appeals to the Questor's 4 senses..

Sight : A beautiful women, dressed an alluring royal purple gown sits on a delicately carved bench just waiting for her lover...

Taste : What is it the Questor desires? A sip of her wine? A taste of her lips?

Touch : The mixture of fabrics on her gown, the smooth wood of the bench she sits on, her creamy colored skin.. and her flowing auburn hair..

Smell : I at first thought the pitcher was for her wine or whatever she may be drinking, but notice the smoke coming from it? Perhaps its an incense container with just a scent of Frankincense and Myrrh.. a beautiful mixture compared to her perfume..

The 5th - Hearing - is just around the corner... what will she say to you? What will her voice sound like?

This is a beautifully seductive card that peaks all of the senses.. oh, here is an attachment for you to view :)


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Once I read someone, and this card came up in the reading. Later, once I knew what happened, I discovered that this card meant clothing. After all, don't people dress well to please themselves and the others?


Seduction comes up often in readings, but it rarely has anything to do with the keywords on the card.
This is one of the most difficult cards in the deck for me to interpret.

Maybe because the idea of "seduction"...and the idea of "romance "are rarely linked in my brain. Although I imagine that there may be a bit of seduction in a romantic gesture...there is rarely any romantic concept behind a seduction attempt.

Actually, I have found this to be my least favorite card in this deck, and I'm still not sure why...

For some reason, I don't think the image 'fits' as well with the rest of the deck if it exists in a completely different time.
It sort of has the look of a Mucha...but not quite enough for me, I guess.

Everytime I look at this card, I see a saloon girl from the old west.

Is it just me?


Chronata said:
...there is rarely any romantic concept behind a seduction attempt.

Everytime I look at this card, I see a saloon girl from the old west.

Is it just me?
NO~! :D Now that you mention it, yes I *can* see a saloon girl!

And what an apt description, to your excellent point, Chronata. A saloon girl is a working girl, and romance don't have 'nuttin to do about it.

I see the card as appealing to the senses (sight, smell, taste) and well... enticing the senses in order to get a desired result... that's calculating. Not romantic.

When I think "romantic" in this deck, the Maiden and her Minstrel jump to mind.

Endora's Seduction reminds me of the Faery Oracle's Dark Lady, Chronata, the way you relate to her and describe her influence. Fascinating! :D

Added : What comes to me lastly is that one would have to guess the seductress' motive, and ask yourself, "What is this person's intent behind this move?" Like Method acting, "what's your (his, her) motivation?"

Is it romance? The card may or may not suggest against that. Is it manipulation? To what end... what does the cup bearer stand to gain if you accept her goblet?

A shrewd approach may be the best way to guard oneself, and to be careful not to let your senses sway you in your decision-making, when this card appears. If it's message feels cautionary, I think.

Which it wouldn't *have* to, but *could*.... :D Great ideas, C.



What I get from this card is beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I also get depending on what card it is next too, becareful what you wish for you will surely get it. Even the the card says Passion and Romance Await, it is almost as if she is leading you on.

Temptation is being set. BEWARE! or it is not time for romance but to be serious about other things.

December Fairy

Another option could be someone who does not see/feel that they are attractive/sexy. Some one who never even try's.
This could tell them to try a little harder at being attractive. Fix your hair, wear something you don't usually wear. Spray on some perfume. Smile, flirt. Don't always expect the other person to put forth effort first.


I tend to get this card when someone is in a quandry about whether they "should or shouldnt" kind of the temptation is there but....I really should resist...not necessarily sexual....I had the card myself when I had almost given in to the lure of a ludicrously expensive pair of shoes... lol