Magician as what NOT to do?


He's upright/dignified in a 3 card advice drawing. As the 'don't do this' card, I'm pondering what the Magician is saying:
1. Do not initiate anything/no new projects atm.
2. Do not initiate communication.
3. Do not change or attempt to manipulate the situation in any way.
OR on the other hand, maybe he's saying 'Do not neglect to use your skills to your full advantage.'

Other thoughts?

Strength was the 'do' card ('do be patient?'), if that helps for context.


As advice i would read it to say be still. the time is not right to be assertive or to act. Maybe even wait & watch, but don't put anything into action. pause for a while.

Alternative: avoid narrowing your focus, let your mind wander a bit and think broadly.

Hope that helps!


"Be still" -- Yes, that's a good one, because the Magician really is a 'mover'....and so am I when I get bored/impatient ;) Thanks!


Magician suggests do not "dabble" or cast any "spells", no emails or phoning.


Don't manipulate things to suit your will or to try to make things happen the way you want them to, be like the woman in Strength, be trusting, let things come to you of their own free will, based on their trust for you... accept things for what they are instead of what you want them to be. Don't try to change things.

That is what the Magician as Don't do this and Strength for what to do, say to me.


Thank you, Waleswoman! The "trust" element in Strength is something that really does apply here. :)


Shut your trap :)

No, seriously, the Magician is all about communication and action. He is brash, overconfident, a wolf in sheep's clothing. Strength is about serenity, taming the lion through will, not through force. This is perhaps a call to do what you do quietly and without bells and whistles. I don't know the situation, so I really can't be more specific.


Shut your trap :)

No, seriously, the Magician is all about communication and action. He is brash, overconfident, a wolf in sheep's clothing. Strength is about serenity, taming the lion through will, not through force. This is perhaps a call to do what you do quietly and without bells and whistles. I don't know the situation, so I really can't be more specific.

Love this! :D And yes, 'shut up' was one of the things that did pop into my head at first. Magician --> Mercury --> motor-mouth lol
Thank you, Closrapexa!


Don't make "something" out of nothing.