Major Arcana and Their Ruling Elements


I am stuck on these 6 Cards. I am trying to find out what their ruling element is.

The Tower - Since it's ruled by Mars this card is possibly ruled by fire?

The wheel Of Fortune - It's ruled by Taurus, Leo And Aquarius but which element? all 3?

The Fool - No Idea

The Magician - No idea

Judgement - No Idea

The World - No Idea

I would be grateful for any feedback.


Quick answer: tower is fire, wheel is fire, fool is air, magician is air, judgement is fire, world is earth.


Thank you so much for the info. :)


0 The Fool - AIR
1 The Magician - AIR
2 The High Priestess - WATER
3 The Empress - EARTH
4 The Emperor - FIRE
5 The Heirophant - EARTH
6 The Lovers - AIR
7 The Chariot - WATER
8 Strength - FIRE
9 The Hermit - EARTH
10 The Wheel of Fortune - FIRE
11 Justice - AIR
12 The Hanged Man - WATER
13 Death - WATER
14 Temperance - FIRE
15 The Devil - EARTH
16 The Tower - FIRE
17 The Star - AIR
18 The Moon - WATER
19 The Sun - FIRE
20 Judgement - WATER
21 The World - EARTH


The Three Elements

Brandyalexander said:
I am stuck on these 6 Cards. I am trying to find out what their ruling element is.
Just FYI, in the original Golden Dawn type decks, there were three cards ruled by elements rather than planets or astrological signs. They were later given planets when planets unknown in Golden Dawn times were discovered and assigned.

The Fool was Air (Uranus, the planet assigned to him unknown)
The Hanged Man was Water (Neptune, the planet assigned to him was unknown)
Judgement was Fire (Pluto was unknown...and I'm not sure what deck creators have decided now that Pluto is planet-non-grata...and no, as a native of Pluto, I'm not happy about that :()

No Major Arcana has the element of earth--meaning, as in "earth, air, water, fire" as compared to having that element given its zodiac sign like the Hierophant which is Taurus, an earth sign.


PAMUYA said:
20 Judgement - WATER
Judgement is considered Fire, actually. That was its original assigned element, at least.


The three Hebrew mother letters are Aleph, Mem, Shin. These are associated with Air, Water, Fire, respectively. The shape of the letter Shin is particularly suggestive of flames, and it is the letter of Path 31 (Judgement) on the Tree of Life.


Thanks again guys. This has been very helpful :)


I always see Judgement as water, even instinctively. Its ruling planet is Pluto, and Pluto relating to fire is counter-intuitive to me (since it's an ice planet and is the furthest away from the sun).


Ais said:
I always see Judgement as water, even instinctively. Its ruling planet is Pluto, and Pluto relating to fire is counter-intuitive to me (since it's an ice planet and is the furthest away from the sun).
However you see the card, and personally want it to be is fine with me. However, I'm still going to say that the water association, for me, personally, doesn't make sense even given your explaination, and I hope you won't mind if I say why.

Pluto, by way of its name, relates to the god of the underworld. So even if you go for the Pluto association, I don't see how you get water. It is named for the god of the underworld, meaning Earth.

If we're going for actual planets, rather than mythology or astrological associations, then it's still confusing. Uranus is considered an "ice giant" yet The Fool, which it rules, is considered to be Air. Meanwhile Pluto is less an ice planet than Uranus. It's a mix of rock and water. Why pick the water part of the planet rather than the rock part?

Finally, I don't see how Judgement is water when it's name suggests people rising up out of the Earth at last judgement. Understand, I'm fully behind questioning Judgement as "Fire," though, as LRichard pointed out, that was it's original element when it, the Fool and The Hanged Men were appointed elements rather than planets. But if one is going to argue against Judgement being fire, why argue for it being water when water is not associated either with Pluto, the god of the underworld (apt for the dead rising from graves) or the dead rising from graves. Wouldn't it be more apt to argue that it ought to be Earth? :confused: