Majors only tarot deck


I am looking for a major arcana only tarot deck, and surprisingly I can't find a lot of options. I know they exist but apparently searching for them is difficult. Would anyone have any recommendations for me, or at least be able to direct me to a good source to find something like that?


One thing you might try is going to the Tarot Decks page here on Aeclectic, and filtering the list by the number of cards. It won't be a complete list of majors-only decks, but it will be a pretty good start.

Lo Scarabeo has published many majors-only decks over the years, particularly in their various art series.

One of my favorite majors-only decks is the Tarot ReVISIONed.


Most Japanese tarot decks (e.g. Bluebirds) are Majors only.

I'm curious, what do you intend to do with them? I don't have any myself but I imagine they'd be hard to shuffle.


Marie-Claude Purro Tarot is beautiful. I have a lot of bird-related decks by Beth Seilonen and they are lots of fun, if you are into owls and parrots. The Wild Green Chagallian is a favorite deck of mine -- great if you like Chagall.


Google Etsy Tarot decks and have a look. There are some majors only on there.

And just because I've been debating whether to get it there's this one on AT that I like:

There are other majors only on AT too.

@Cocobirds55 - Wild Green Chagallian is a majors only deck? huh...


Google Etsy Tarot decks and have a look. There are some majors only on there.

@Cocobirds55 - Wild Green Chagallian is a majors only deck? huh...

Yes, but I still get great readings with it.


My absolute favourite of all my 22-card decks is the Lebanese, but it was a very limited print-run, and I'm fairly sure there are none available any more. :(



Most Japanese tarot decks (e.g. Bluebirds) are Majors only.

I'm curious, what do you intend to do with them? I don't have any myself but I imagine they'd be hard to shuffle.

I like the idea of having a majors only deck for doing readings on purely spiritual matters. I realize that I can just take the majors out of any other deck I own and do that, but I'm also a bit of a deck collector and I like excuses to buy pretty new decks. :D