Making Sense of My Premonitions?

Sonia Doris

Hi y'all!

This question might have been asked before (although I did a search and couldn't find something to specifically blend in my problem)...

I keep having premonitions in my dreams. That is, I dream about something, and after a certain period of time (could be days, months, years) I realize I've dreamed about it. It happened to me with houses, people, certain random events, nothing dramatic, neither sad, nor happy, just random moments.

I've read about writing down your dreams that feel like premonitions. But my problem is that I don't even know about the dream before it comes true. I usually get scared, or a small shock and I usually say "I've dreamed this!".

I keep receiving visits in my dreams from my grandma who passed away 2 years ago. The first time was a few weeks after her passing, she was talking to me, I realized it was a dream and I tried to ask questions. She was telling me something, but I couldn't hear what she said, nor could I read her lips. The interesting thing was that the "meeting place" was in the old family house in which we moved a few months later. Since then, she sometimes appears in my dreams, in the same house - but the house doesn't always look like in reality.

I have to say that I can only remember 2 or 3 dreams that really scared me, and even those weren't real nightmares, they weren't exactly scary, but I woke up with the feeling...

How can I make sense of my premonitions? I mean it's not that I want to control them or anything, but if it's a gift, then I'd surely want to understand it a little better and maybe develop it.

Can it be done?

Thanks in advance,




I've had this. When I met my best friend, I realized I dreampt and saw her house when I was a child - whether I did so or not, I do not know, but I knew everything about her place, down to the decorations.

Is it possible that you're having an extreme version of deja vu? Deja vu symbolizes major moments, spiritual growth and signs our path is on track, that we were touched by spirit. You can be dreaming this, and then the deja vu activates the memory, too. Are the moments epiphanies? Do you sit down and make a life change, realize something about yourself, change an opinion? I wonder what the symbolism is, if this represents something you're changing within yourself, or a new beginning of some kind.

Sonia Doris

My deja-vus appear in more like random moments. I remember I dreamed attending a strange class when I was in 7th or 8th grade, and then, during my first year of high school I realized I have dreamed of those people. They do appear in times when I am in a new environment or about to do something or think about something, but the general feeling is usually that somebody (me?) is picking random moments for me to dream about and have a deja-vu later on. Does it make a sense?


I think so, I mean, no one really knows WHY the things that happen, happen. As a child I'd see my birth guide in a beautiful white Victorian dress sitting down smiling at me and thousands of faces on my wall.

I really should think of my actions and remember there's all those faces watching all the time LOL.

Maybe it's a personal reminder of "Hey, we're here, spirit is here, you're not alone"

Sonia Doris

Might just be that...
But what I wanted to know, if there is any way to make these dream & deja-vu happenings less ... *cough* ... random?


that is so cool to be visited by loved dad drops in a lot...

when their message is not clear, ask them to say their message this just before you drift off...yer grandma is there watching over you...

as far as the other premonitions...with the confusing ones or fragmented ones,ask to have that certain dream again...

journalize all dreams and messages even the fragmented ones...
like any muscle, you have to exercize yer psychic muscle to get it stronger...


I used to dream endlessly. I lived 50% of my consciousness in my dreams, I used to have waking dreams and dreams overlaid the physical plane, and I do miss them.

Yes, I foudn that when you..set an intention before bed, every night, with your works. "I seek guidance and advice through my dreams and visions, thank you for allowing me to see that which is important and will guide me towards my higher goals"

Maybe that'll help

Sonia Doris

I did that, and I think I did have guiding dreams, but I woke up tabula rasa.
When I'm conscious is a dream, I try to ask questions or for clarification, but when I know I am visited by - say - my grandma in my dream, whatever she says, is censored somehow, like an image without sound or ability to see/read the lips. She surely wants to tell me things and she sends me hunches and stuff, but I guess I'm not always supposed to hear them.


Sonia Doris said:
I did that, and I think I did have guiding dreams, but I woke up tabula rasa.
When I'm conscious is a dream, I try to ask questions or for clarification, but when I know I am visited by - say - my grandma in my dream, whatever she says, is censored somehow, like an image without sound or ability to see/read the lips. She surely wants to tell me things and she sends me hunches and stuff, but I guess I'm not always supposed to hear them.

This makes sense. Actually I've had a dream when I'm conscious. I was physically talking and watching TV and drinking water, while dreaming.

Kind of trippy.

I think you might be ok if you ask for clarification you are supposed to here, or some kind of greater expanded understanding


patience is the will hear what she's saying soon enough...
when you're developing yer gifts, it's kinda hard to sit and listen sometimes...
and sometimes, when you give up or least expect it, the message will come thru...
like with the cards,you get 'a-ha!' moments long after you put them away...