MerryDay Tarot Book - your opinions?


Happy friday or saturday! (depends where you are ;) )

Here's my question in more detail:

I wasn't overly enamored of the MerryDay tarot when I first bought it, but lately it's been my deck of choice. Upon visiting the site today, I notice the author now offers a deck-specific book (MerryDay Tarot, Numerology, and the Invisible Kingdom). I'd like very much to get a copy, but with a $25 (+$3.50 s/h) price tag, I'm hesitant.

If anyone owns a copy, could you please let me know what your opinion is?

Thank you!


a little bump to get this question answered by someone....anyone?

in light,
your moderator


Here is a review of both deck and book:

-- Lee


OMG - I didn't realize how beautiful the cards were. The book sounds intriguing as well - Darn it.........I'm still trying to pay off my other purchases.


the star is sooo beautiful!



Here's the author/artists website where you can see all the cards if you wait longer enough for them to load :) They're all absolutely beautiful!!

After everyone's been talking and asking about it today I just had to breakdown and order the set. I'll let you know what I think when it gets here. I can't wait!!!!


I have this deck, and although the artwork is beautiful, I haven't really connected with it.
I've considered trading it, but I have held back because the cards have not worn as well as they should. I have only used the deck a few times, but the cards are made fairly thin, and I think that's the reason for the wear on the deck..I do have the LWB, but no box.

Even so, it is a beautiful deck, and if anyone is interested in a trade, give me a yell. *S*

Love and Light,


I have this deck, and it really is lovely. I do not use it for readings ... then again I have been deeply into study mode these past few months so I have been working hard with a couple of decks only. But I will one day get to this one *LOL*. I find it quite evocative and the color scheme really speaks to me. I like the way they have hinted at the shadow card in the majors, and would be very interested in reading the book as the deck is quite tied to numerology. But $25.00 for a 150 page on a tarot deck? ... hmmmmmmm hopefully some day I can trade with someone to get the book, or the cost comes down ... how sad it is so expensive, I would have enjoyed having the book.

devilled egg

Merry Day Tarot

perhaps no one care about this opinion as these posts were written nearly 6 years ago, but I love this.
It was first brought to my attention by Mary Greer and really has the ability to bring the reader and querent to otherworlds-I find it to be quite magical.
Elizabeth Owen


It's always fun to see these old threads re-surface.
Although...everyone seems to talk about the deck, and not if the book is worth getting for $ 25, lol (which was the original question).

I have the deck and have always intended to get the book one day...I have very little left on my wishlist now so maybe this year I'll get round to buying the book ;)