Mint, what to do with it


Last year I planted some mint seads and they took off like crazy and I ended up with a huge amount of mint and had no idea what to do with it. If anyone has any ideas please let me know.

I also wanted to give some mint to friends, should the mint be fresh, and are their any uses for died Mint?


Dried mint makes wonderful tea - I used to plant several varieties of it just for that purpose.


i found freshmint makes great tea as well! freshly picked and added to hot water, so refreshing!!


I'll trade you some mustard seed, for some mint seed. :D

If you search the net, you can come up with all sorts of recipes.
Try using different key words, when looking for ideas.

Mint + recipes
Mint + oils
Mint + incense

And so on.


Mint is great for unhappy tummies. My husband just got over a bout of food poisoning, and that is what I gave him to keep him hydrated. Mint is also wonderful to put in a large container, pour hot water over, and soak your tired tooties in! It works well either dried or fresh.

Many blessings,


You can dry the leaves and then either use them for making tea, incense, baths (good in winter, when you got a cold), pot pourries, make mint liquor...there are lots of ways to use mint.


The best thing is to tear it out of your garden before it takes over :D Mint will grow and grow and grow and.....

The second best thing is to mush it up a little in a pestle with some lime juice, and then put in a glass and fill with lemonade or ginger beer. YUM :D Mint is great in cocktails too (so invite your friends over and give it in a drink instead }) )

It can be good for headaches and such also. Anything where you want to dilate the blood vessels and relax. :thumbsup:


Hi all,
I was wondering what kind of mint you all are talking about. Mint is a family of plants that is most easily identified by it's square stalk. The mint family includes spearmint, peppermint, catnip, and several others. I have a nice patch of spearmint in my garden and I love fresh spearmint tea! I have also put some spearmint leaves in my bath which is very refreshing! I want to get some peppermint and bergamont plants started this spring.


similia said:
Mint is great in cocktails too (so invite your friends over and give it in a drink instead })

Mmmm, mint juleps are tasty but deadly . . .

It's good in iced tea, too!

One time my mom and I made mint jelly to go with our Easter lamb. It tasted good, but we made way too much. How much mint jelly can one family eat?


lol I havn't got a clue what kind of mint it is, I don't think the package even said. I planted it in a planter last year so that it wouldn't spread out in my garden.

I don't cook much (thank goodness for microwaves ) and am thinking of sending it to friends this summer (it sure does grow fast) ro looking into makeing things for the bath with it or maybe tea.

As a matter of face I am such a bad cook that my boyfriend doesn't even twitch when the smoke alarm goes off lol.

I may try making some tea with it. Thanks for all the super ideas, they are all great!