Mixing Tarot/Oracle cards?


I do double decks, usually by the same artist...or mix similar sizes

Lo Scarabeo doubled decks...

I've mixed my Trevisan Renaissance with a 22 card Romantici (also by Giorgio Trevisan), just for fun. Just my own readings, though, for a mood-of-the-day kind of reading.

I've done this with same-artist decks, so I'm walking around with a Castelli Art Nouveau and Sorcerer's--one has to ignore the typeface on the card. It's not the easiest mesh with those two decks. But it was interesting to use those two to 'storyboard' a reading...just experiments right now.

Other deck mixes:

I meshed the Well-Worn Path with Lisa Hunt's Animals Divine, but didn't like the differences in art styles. I find the Hidden Path and Well-Worn fit better together (they were originally made to be one oracle).

I was thinking that Lisa Hunt's Shapeshifter might look friendly with her Fantastical Creatures, but something about mixing the blue deck with the ivory Fantastical doesn't work for me right now.

I'd enjoy mixing one of the Magical Realist Press decks with another, but the art styles seem way too different across each deck--if I ever buy one of their period-style oracle decks, I might try it with their Bohemian Gothic or Victorian Romantic...in these cases, the art style might be similar enough.

Briar Rose

Shelia Hite, a Tarot reader hee, in the Berkshires uses 3 decks during her readings. She has 4 face down, and you pick three you want her to use during the spread.

Whe I had my cards done by her she used 3 decks at the same time, using a Celtic Spread.

In the beginning she used Astro dice first, then I chose the 3 decks.

It was intense, and the cards were very accurate.

edited to add;

I would like to hear what decks others would combine. I forgot what deck she used. I think Mythic and Gilded and ? , but I was toooo nervous to ask, and I was too nervous to see what the cards were.


I'm doing this quite often - the most frequent use for me is pulling a summary or affirmation card from an oracle or meditation deck at the end of a Tarot reading. Using them as clarifiers for individual positions is also working well.

I also use decks like Trust your Vibes as position cards to design spreads, and sometimes I leave them in the reading for inspiration or to reinforce a particular energy.

Then there's the book by Jeanne Ruland: The Giant Book of Card Divination: 130 New and Traditional Techniques, which is designed for readings with multiple decks - though all the spreads will work as well if you only use one deck. Each deck is assigned a "role" to pull so-called base, general, companion, master, and joker cards from. She determines the number of decks to use with a pendulum, but I just go with the flow.

It's actually much less complicated than it sounds, and I've got very good results with it!


Nice idea but I've never done it


I love using my Gilded and Quest mixed together....anyone else try those two mixed (or using both decks at the same time?)
