Moon trine Neptune


If you are psychic, you should investigate ways of 'shutting down' or 'closing down', so that you are not constantly open to such 'feelings'. This is not to remove it entirely but to learn how to 'switch it off' and 'switch it on' as you need it. All the psychics I know, and those include one very famous one, have learnt to do this fairly early on in their careers.

I wouldn't call myself psychic! I often times run across a lot of psychically advanced people and they've often come from hard backgrounds. I think psychics are given (or choose, however you look at it) a challenging life because they're built for it, and they're teachers sent to us from the spirit world. In any case, my first hunches about people are more often than not wrong. The more this has been discussed here, the more I think my Moon trine Neptune aspect and house placements just emphasizes my/humans in general innate empathetic and compassionate nature.

(I have two, plus Saturn just on the twelfth side of the Ascendant)

Now virtually all of the psychics I know, will argue that it's a latent power which everyone is born with, but most of us ignore or learn not to use at an early age. So in that sense, you are perfectly correct. The interesting thing is; is any planet in the twelfth enough or specific ones? For the record mine are Pluto, Mars and Saturn (though it's more first house given its conjunction with the Ascendant) Pluto and Mars are conjunct.

Now I actually am sensitive - in my case to the residual energies in buildings and places. I've had some significant experiences, in this respect - most notably in Central City, CO - so clearly your conclusion applies to me. I don't have any Neptune/Moon connection, though Neptune does aspect by sextile Mars.

My problem with this is that I thing you can find examples to support almost any signature that you care to advance but I very much doubt that it's possible to find one signature that all psychics share.

I agree with your psychic friends' stance that everyone is born psychic, absolutely. I think house placements and aspects are certainly indicators of how that ability can play out in an individual as well though. I'm fascinated by your sensitivity to buildings, etc.! That would more or less have to do with Pluto (which I see as "buildings" and "restructuring") and Mars (energy, right?) conjunction? At first I thought it could be attributed to your Saturn since for some reason I associate Saturn with old buildings, but you didn't mention any aspects to it.


I wouldn't call myself psychic! I often times run across a lot of psychically advanced people and they've often come from hard backgrounds. I think psychics are given (or choose, however you look at it) a challenging life because they're built for it, and they're teachers sent to us from the spirit world. In any case, my first hunches about people are more often than not wrong. The more this has been discussed here, the more I think my Moon trine Neptune aspect and house placements just emphasizes my/humans in general innate empathetic and compassionate nature.

Sorry, I meant to give a general answer to your question about shutting the aspect out and the 'you're was the plural. I was aware that you do not see yourself as psychic but I phrased my comment I precisely and it does not read well.

LovelyMissAries said:

I agree with your psychic friends' stance that everyone is born psychic, absolutely. I think house placements and aspects are certainly indicators of how that ability can play out in an individual as well though. I'm fascinated by your sensitivity to buildings, etc.! That would more or less have to do with Pluto (which I see as "buildings" and "restructuring") and Mars (energy, right?) conjunction? At first I thought it could be attributed to your Saturn since for some reason I associate Saturn with old buildings, but you didn't mention any aspects to it.

I don't use the outers in my practise, so buildings are definitely Saturn. It's generally old buildings where I pick things up but in several instances its been new properties one of which was fiercely oppressive and full of sorrow which I could not understand. It turned out to have been built on the old site of the town gallows - that was here in the UK.

I have two aspects to Saturn, an exact opposition to the Moon across my ASC/DSC axis and a square to Mercury which is also angular.

If any planet is going to be involved in psychic and other forms of ESP it's the Moon gut again I think we have to take a good look at a chart before laying down global signatures.


Now I actually am sensitive - in my case to the residual energies in buildings and places. I've had some significant experiences, in this respect - most notably in Central City, CO - so clearly your conclusion applies to me.

Fascinating. I too have sensed a kind of eerie, brooding emanation from the buildings in Central City, CO. (You do mean Colorado and not Colombia?) At one cowboy motel we stopped at, the feeling was so intense my wife wouldn't even go in to check it out. You would think it said "Bates Motel" on the sign :)


Yes it was Central City CO


I have moon in taurus in the 12th, as i think everyone is psychic as already said here, i think it can be one of the indicators that your very senstive to your environment.
The placements biggest psychic linkage for me is the relationship with my mother, when i was reading the Howard Saportus book 'Twelve houses' it made complete sense about how i felt so connected even when not physically present. i also my moon squares my sun and i have a link with my father too which is similar to it with my mother, but where as my link to my mother is strong and very open (she is very aware of it), my father has always denied such a link until recently.

i did find that learning to protect and shutdown was a huge benefit in just living day to day without linking to other peoples emotions, i discovered i could go to concerts and be in crowded areas without being panicked when i was shut down, also learning to know what is yours and what isnt yours was a big benefit too. so i agree with lots of people here, shutting down and opening helps you alot.

It might be worth grounding yourself also to help you stay 'here', the whole idea of neptune trine the moon sends shivers down me, i am glad that even though i have a massive 12th house with moon and chiron there, a sun in cancer, that the rest of my chart is earth and fire.

good luck finding your balance:)