Moving a deck's home


Everyone probably have their own habits in terms of how they like to keep their cards- for example, in their original box, in a bag of some sort, in a wooden box, wrapped around their own cloth, etc. To me, where or how a Tarot deck has been kept in becomes their "home" so to speak.

My question is, have any of you decided to just move their homes or even switch their homes with each other? And if so, do you ever feel antsy about it? Like they would lose the energies they have acquired through the years or if they wouldn't feel "right" at their new home?

The way I keep my cards- I always have them wrapped in their own cloth that I also use as a reading cloth. Some are additionally stored in a bag of their own as well. The few decks that I do keep in their original boxes as opposed to a cloth are mostly just ones that are for pure collection that I haven't really read with.

The thing is, lately, I've been wanting to change the cloths for some of my decks... but I can't help feeling as though it might be a bad idea. A lot of decks, I've had in my possession for almost 20 years and they've been wrapped in that same cloth for just as long. I feel almost like I'd be tearing the decks away from something that has been a part of them.

I know many would say it's irrelevant and that the decks are just a tool and what matters is the reader- but I was curious if anyone has ever felt the same way I do. What did you do about it? Were there any rituals that you did to make your decks feel at "home" with their new environment?


Nah, I wouldn't worry about it too much... and if you think the decks have a preference... or care... color coordinate or something like that to go with the feel/theme of the deck. I doubt very much if it makes any difference except to you... but think of it as how you'd feel wearing the same outfit all the time.

I am a non ritual person and my decks change homes at my whim. If I get a new bag and think a deck goes with it better than the bag or box it's in, have no qualms about changing it. But that is just me, I'm not very reverent.

Glass Owl

Ocean Light said:
Were there any rituals that you did to make your decks feel at "home" with their new environment?
If you're feeling like you need a change, more than likely it is time. I rearrange my decks from time to time. I have a wooden cabinet in my living room that has two high shelves that I use for my Tarot/Oracle things. My books go in it along with my various train cases and boxes that have my cards in them. As my collection has grown, more and more things aren't fitting so they go on top of the cabinet or in bag near my bed.

When I feel the need to clean, I wait until its dark and everyone is asleep in my house. I put on some soft music, light some incense and candles, and pull everything out out of the cabinet and bring all the Tarot things that are in my bedroom into the living room with the others. Then I take all the decks out of the individual train cases or storage boxes they are in and remove any scarves in there that I'm using, usually to line the cases. (I hang these outside on the line along with some scarves and pouches that are not currently being used). I leave all the storage boxes and train cases to sit out open, along with the books and decks for about a hour or more. You should see my living room when all this stuff is spread out over the floor and furniture hehehehe. I wipe down the cabinet and then I go wash my hands (how can dust build up that fast!)

Sometimes I take a bell that I have (I put it under running water first and dry it off) and softly ring it a few times over the area. It is believed by some that ringing a bell clears or moves stale/negative chi (energy).

Then I sit down on the sofa, relax a bit, go collect the scarves that are outside, light more incense if needed, and then I put the decks back into the storage boxes and train cases. Some things end up in different places while some do not. If I find that a box is damaged, I throw out the box and put them into a pouch. Sometimes the decks will change pouches if it makes it easier for them to fit in a particular case.

I think that doing some "spring cleaning" from time to time not only refreshes your memory about what you have, but it allows you to find better places for what you have, especially if your collection is growing.

Original Destiny

Hi Ocean Light...if you are feeling the need then go with it... Yes it might feel strange at first but things will settle down...Its always the same when you change things, it doesnt matter if its cards or a job or a relationship, changing something means you have to break a pattern/gestalt this always exposes you to feelings of insecurity..once you have got your cards changed over you will probably find that it re-energises them a boost.

I must admit I dont have homes for my decks. they are usually left where I last had them...My old battered RWS has an elastic band round it and is currently living in a gap in my cd tower. I do have a round up now and again and try to get them all together but that doesnt last long. If I loose a deck I just ask my partner, she always knows were it is...her ocd comes in handy!!


I've done it, in fact I've just this week exchanged pouches for some of my decks. My newest arrived and it was unexpectedly too large to fit into the pouch I had ordered for it. I switched that pouch with a larger one another of my decks was in. It's not something I go looking to do, but it has never harmed the decks any.



I've had similar feelings about one deck - my lovely TdM that I got in trade came with a nice bag, and I felt rather guilty about 'borrowing' it to put my Spiral in for travel... I'll have to do some more bag-making.



I try not to add too much ritual to anything, I think it tends to paralyze us in the end with must do's and must not do's and we lose sight of the real point.