Mundane Tarot Suit Meanings


Hi, I was pondering mundane tarot, and thought the suits have mundane meanings, in general that is. This isnt new stuff but this is what I came up with being new to this form of tarot. Hope this is in the right section.

Tarot Suits


material objects, mundane life, everyday life, structures, buildings, money, work, achievement, health, Venus, stock market, animals, careers, time, slavery, change, magick, materialization, banks, shopping, stores, money transactions, statues, cemeteries, death, gifts, merchandise, land, countries, cities, gardens, nature, aging, old age, Earthquakes, tremors, dry weather, drought, night, darkness,


communication, thoughts, books, writing, travel, conversations, judgment, planes, cars, gossip, research, decisions, reading material, education, learning, espionage, spies, truth, justice, court, mercury, tornadoes, hurricanes, wind, the mail, prison, school, college, library. The media, newspapers, television, Morning


history, the past, cosmetics,, family, home, royalty, children, marriage, friends, bodies of water, oceans, memories, food, alcohol, deception, Morality, psychology, psychic powers, occult issues, secrets, what’s invisible, hidden, reproduction, the moon, rainstorms, floods, hail, snow storms, Dusk, strange and unusual, medicine,


violence, war, forces, power, leaders, presidents, government, soldiers, military, sex, lust, electronics, power and energy sources, predator animals, fear, anger, hate, opposition, the sun, mars, victory and success, fire, lightning storms, volcanoes, day, sudden events, nuclear issues, weapons, fuel, accidents, fame,

I hope this helps people.



Hi Serpenta. I am a virtual newbie at Tarot and I have a question...what exactly is "mundane tarot"? Is it mundane as opposed to some other form of Tarot, or is this a characteristic of some decks and not others?



Hi, its basically world events or local events this is what my suit descriptions are about.



To me, a mundane reading suggests anything that will not dramatically change one's life; such as renting an apartment, or buying a pet, or even going out to eat; in addition to (SA's) current events and what we used to call "civics," or politics.

Nothing wrong with a bit o' mundanity funness!



I forgot to mention, SerpentaAzothi, that your list is ExCeLlEnT... :)


Thanks Knave, like your compliments :)



6 of wands

Just noted today that it describes sports- football-hockey...etc


SerpentaAzothi said:

material objects, mundane life, everyday life, structures, buildings, money, work, achievement, health, Venus, stock market, animals, careers, time, slavery, change, magick, materialization, banks, shopping, stores, money transactions, statues, cemeteries, death, gifts, merchandise, land, countries, cities, gardens, nature, aging, old age, Earthquakes, tremors, dry weather, drought, night, darkness,
That can go into shorthand as "Earth".

SerpentaAzothi said:

communication, thoughts, books, writing, travel, conversations, judgment, planes, cars, gossip, research, decisions, reading material, education, learning, espionage, spies, truth, justice, court, mercury, tornadoes, hurricanes, wind, the mail, prison, school, college, library. The media, newspapers, television, Morning
And that as "Air".

SerpentaAzothi said:

history, the past, cosmetics,, family, home, royalty, children, marriage, friends, bodies of water, oceans, memories, food, alcohol, deception, Morality, psychology, psychic powers, occult issues, secrets, what’s invisible, hidden, reproduction, the moon, rainstorms, floods, hail, snow storms, Dusk, strange and unusual, medicine,

SerpentaAzothi said:

violence, war, forces, power, leaders, presidents, government, soldiers, military, sex, lust, electronics, power and energy sources, predator animals, fear, anger, hate, opposition, the sun, mars, victory and success, fire, lightning storms, volcanoes, day, sudden events, nuclear issues, weapons, fuel, accidents, fame,

Tarot shorthand. Knowing about the qualities of the Magical Elements really helps reading Tarot.