my gold cats have arrived!!!!


Oh I can't wait. I also made a huge order for some other things from MR. I hope to see them all very soon. :)


yay!!!! My kitties are here. And the other stuff I ordered at the same time. And the mailman didn't even crab because I hadn't finished shoveling the snow.


come on guys, share your first thoughts !! :D

My partner just shook his head in resignation ...... he knows not to bother me for the remainder of the evening when my eyes light up like that.



Well, the colours are amazing, it feels more alive and even though I liked the old borders for the baroque feel the pictures come out so much more now.

I'm not sure about the card-stock, I mean I like it but it doesn't feel thicker as I had expected but it handles well.

I've done a small reading with it and it was very nice to me ;)
Still shuffling... and shuffling, just holding my kitties.



This is exciting news! I wasn't even aware they were in the mail yet.

Keeping my fingers crossed that mine will arrive in the next couple of weeks.....


The colours do seem more vibrant (that isn't quite the word but I don't know what is. They, like, PING at you.) I was (still am) fond of the fancy borders but it is nice to have the images larger. To those who worried about the card stock - well, I like it.

And I WILL get used to the changes in the end..... :D - even that blue dress sob....


Gregory~Can you describe the cardstock for those of us who will have a bit of a wait before they make it across the pond?


Marion got hers? Well mine shouldn't be too far behind! Can't wait to see it!


The colours do seem more vibrant (that isn't quite the word but I don't know what is. They, like, PING at you.) I was (still am) fond of the fancy borders but it is nice to have the images larger. To those who worried about the card stock - well, I like it.

They do indeed ping. I feel I can really step into them, now that they are borderless ( not that I dislike the borders on the first edition ; it's just a different effect ). And the colours on some of these cards are really deep too. I love the darkening sky in the High Priestess and the Seven of Wands, and the Devil card makes me gasp, it is very immediate, almost like I was one of those cats myself.

Last evening I did a card-by-card comparison of the first edition with the gold edition. Today I hope to do a reading with the new cards, break them in, so to speak.

I have a mental picture of people all over the world receiving these cards in the mail and going through them one by one, oohing and aahing. A global lowering of blood pressure. :)


The cardstock is heavier and by a different manufacturer. It isn't too heavy - I think it's just about perfect to my taste, but I know people will differ!

We think we may go with this same - or similar - stock for Bohemian Gothic too.