Mystery Birth Chart


Gulp! Trying not to sound an idiot here, but can't resist peeking in :D ....... would say from having a loose Neptune running around = drugs or high alcohol intake ..... living in a somewhat surreal environment. It looks (sorry very small on my screen) as if his 7th house is 27 degrees Aquarius ..... almost on the cusp of Pisces ..... if so my thought would lead me to thinking that when he goes after relationships, very direct ...... gets what he wants (the Aquarian aspect) ...... but perhaps looking for something he can't put his finger on ..... more of the Pisces dreamy quality?

Mercury in Gemini to me could possibly mean that he says one thing one minute, then does something else the next ...... never know quite where you stand with him, and being in the 11th house, needs a lot of people around him ....... possibly a lot of YES men as it were.


Well, as you have characterised all three men according to their occupations I think that is going to be the starting point, after a comment on the nature and temperament of the chart native.

The strongest planet in the chart is Saturn in Aquarius, followed by the Moon in Cancer (though the later is combust - too near the Sun). Mercury also has some dignity being Cazimi - at the heart of the Sun - a mind and will in tune and also the staying power and sheer power of Saturn in all it's glory. This person is likely to succeed and succeed well because of effort. However, being Saturn, it is likely that success will come relatively late in life - certainly into his thirties or even later.

The temperament is a balance of the Phlegmatic and the Choleric.There's the ability to achieve and accomplish (though often they would prefer to be lazy). They are creative and can generate solutions to problems, with the well placed Mercury this is an 'ideas' creative person. They won't pick fights or be aggressive but if challenged they've more than enough to see off anyone, especially if they get really angry.

Their Sun is in the twelfth, they're going to be in the background, what ever they do (though they are in charge). The squares of Jupiter to Moon Mercury and Sun suggest a constant struggle to keep on track and not be too creative, or too lazy or even too over-optimistic - this is one of life's challenges. Indeed the Sun is in poor shape shape, the twelfth is an accidental debility (very bad place to be) and it's peregrine (no dignity in its placement and dependent on others)'

Their career/social role is denoted by the tenth. In this case Taurus is on the MC (tenth cusp) ruled by Venus. So we are after a Venus/Taurus type career. According to Lilly possible careers inclued Musicians, gamesters, linen-drapers, silk men, embroiderers, women-tailors, jewellers and perfumers and finally (in this slightly abbreviated list) singers - so I think that narrows the choices down to two.

The tenth ruler is Venus which is in the eleventh house of friends and politics. The career could well be boosted by friendships with influential people either directly or by them providing support that is non-financial but still gets this person noticed.

Mercury rules both the House of friends and the House of material resources (the second) - Given that Mercury is quite strong we have a person who will make money from their ideas, thier ability to communicate and their creative abilities.

This person's Ascendant is aspected by a number of Stars - Arcturus suggests the ability to take different approaches, Antares which suggests an almost aobsessive desire for Success, and Rukbat which emphasises the Saturn charactersitics of steadiness and strength. These three also aspect Venus, the ruler of the tenth, transferring these traits into the career.

Saturn rules and is situated in the seventh House of partnerships, so it's possible that business partners might be important or Wives/partners play a role.

One last comment - The Ascendant is also aspected by Capulus which suggests strong male sexual desire. The strongest planet, Saturn is aspected by Algol, female passion and intensity - either these aspects cancel out or possibly we have someone who can swing between the two.

OK, I know who it is!


Hi all
Thank you for this thread, its great..

I had a peep at the sabian symbols when this thread came up I think there is something in Minderwiz very insightful blurb that hits that I might know too

one of them -
Sun - Cancer 19 a fragile miss, representative of proud old blood is wed in a marriage ceremony by a priest to an eager youth of the NEW order set my mind looking at these symbols.



huredriel said:
Gulp! Trying not to sound an idiot here, but can't resist peeking in :D ....... would say from having a loose Neptune running around = drugs or high alcohol intake ..... living in a somewhat surreal environment. It looks (sorry very small on my screen) as if his 7th house is 27 degrees Aquarius ..... almost on the cusp of Pisces ..... if so my thought would lead me to thinking that when he goes after relationships, very direct ...... gets what he wants (the Aquarian aspect) ...... but perhaps looking for something he can't put his finger on ..... more of the Pisces dreamy quality?

Mercury in Gemini to me could possibly mean that he says one thing one minute, then does something else the next ...... never know quite where you stand with him, and being in the 11th house, needs a lot of people around him ....... possibly a lot of YES men as it were.

The 7th house cusp is around 17 aquarius, so its not too near the cusp; maybe you are thinking of saturn.

With neptune making little aspects, I was thinking an imagination taht is large, not really drugs and alcohol as many people brush neptune off as :laugh:

Actually I don't know what I was thinking---its making a decent square to venus, a sextile to the moon, and it IS in virgo so I dont think its in too loose of a place. That said, virgo would put this imagination to good use. Maybe he makes impractical expectations with that venus squared, but that may be softened by the moon sextile.

OK, big hint: that neptune in virgo in the 2nd house would mean imagination in work that is found in material objects. Eccentricy is found in the workplace (at least to normal people :D)

Minderwiz said something important:
Their career/social role is denoted by the tenth. In this case Taurus is on the MC (tenth cusp) ruled by Venus. So we are after a Venus/Taurus type career. According to Lilly possible careers inclued Musicians, gamesters, linen-drapers, silk men, embroiderers, women-tailors, jewellers and perfumers and finally (in this slightly abbreviated list) singers - so I think that narrows the choices down to two.

Isthmus got something:
0th ruler is Venus in Gemini/11th trine Libra Jupiter, square Neptune. Pretty lucky! The trine indicates that the Uranus innovation is directed towards the enjoying the Venusian things in life. Typically, this means money, art, relationships/women.

I'll post the answer tomorrow morning, but I'm guessing you all know the answer anyway! Very sharp everyone.






You guys were describing him very well. I'll try to get another mystery chart up in a while.


I look forward to that Rainwolf!!!!!

BTW - I'm not sure that this is a good idea or not but how about posting the chart but not the choice of identities. Leave us to come up with our impressions and then reveal the celeb at the end.

My main reason for suggesting this is that on this one (and one or two previous ones) I was able to rule out Elvis (or whoever) straight away because of previous knowledge. In this case, as a past fan, I knew Elvis was born in January, not July as this person's chart showed. The tenth house reading left me with an obvious Armani. Now if I had no idea who it could be it would make me work harder and see what I could get our of it.

That being said, I really enjoy these excercises, so if you decide to stick to the tried and tested formula I don't really mind.


Ok ill do that next time. However I'll give some hints at the end that you can choose to skip for those that need extra help. Then we can do it '20 questions' style.

I'll look forward to that too :laugh:

isthmus nekoi

Thanks for setting it up rainwolf! I guess I wrote a lot about about personality which is hard to verify. Perhaps we should try to get away from the personality natal chart stuff and focus on specific things that we can verify for certain. Things like: career, relative wealth, health, relationships w/family members and possibly spouses etc.

And seriously, it never ceases to amaze me how accurate Lilly can be. He's amazing and right on the money with "linen-drapers, silk men, embroiderers, women-tailors".

20 questions sounds fun although this format is fun too.


Hmmm I'd narrowed it down to 2 ...... Armani and Elvis ...... I chose Elvis though :(


i thought it was larry king - sounded so much like him - cancer type really empathic and stuff - knew it wasnt elvis cos he was a capricorn lol .............ah well look forward to next one