natural stuff to get rid of fleas?


im not sure of you consider it natural but ive had good luck in the past with diatomaceous earth

That's exactly what I was about to post.

Also, vacuum DAILY and throw the bag away outside the house immediately upon finishing. Otherwise, any surviving creepy-crawlies could creep and crawl right out of the vacuum cleaner and back into your house. No thanks!

Good luck!


Thanks All!

Yep, been vacuuming, I also use salt and baking soda all over the carpeting which seems to help quite a bit. I have put salt all over the area my dog goes to on the side yard and I am hoping the weather will get down to freezing in the not too distant future, which would definitely help. I actually go through those lint masking tape rollers a lot. I go over my bed, my dog. They help pick up eggs and fleas and my dog actually comes up to me now for me to go over his coat with them and the flea comb!
It's this weather! We had a very mild winter and the vet said with all the squirrels and rabbits in the area, the fleas went crazy this summer. The good news is there doesn't seem to be an infestation or anything, I have managed to keep them down, BUT EVERY SINGLE TIME my dog goes out even for a minute (he's a small inside dog), a flea climbs on like he's a dog bus.


definitely, as Cassandra said, diatomacious earth. You lay it all along the sides of your indoor rooms and also sprinkle a bit on your carpets, also use it outdoors to bank up the areas around the doors/porches/entryways. Leave for a few weeks, then vacuum it up. You should be able to purchase it at a gardening centre or a whole foods type co-op...good luck!

Also beware of putting too much vinegar on your dog's coat - it will strip all the natural oils off of his fur and skin...if you are going to do the vinegar route, please use Bragg's natural apple cider vinegar, less stripping - but still to be used in moderation. It is better to buck up the dog's internal immune system than it is to put stuff on his body :) fleas rarely bother dogs whose immune systems are functioning well. As with all things, cures begin within :) feed him wholesome, whole foods, like real meat, brown rice, raw eggs and veggies and apples, along with brewer's yeast and garlic; give him lots of omega oils, and make sure he has plenty of exercise...add probiotic plain yogourt to his food, and make sure (if you don't or can't home feed) that his kibble has meat listed as the first three ingredients, and that it has no gluten based foods in it...all of these will help his immune system. (a dog's immune system is actually in their small intestine.)

Hope it all works out, for your dog's sake :)