Navigators of the mystic SEA - 8 of Cups


8 of Cups – seclusion

The 4 people in the background makes me think of the choire in ancient greek theater, commenting on the action of the hero. Our hero is on the way out of the picture, yet looks back, still holding a cup in his left hand. Saturn on his arm-brace. The boat is almost sinking.

He is really not careful with those cups, he is littering the river with them. One of the 4 figures is cup-less. Perhaps what he offeres is not 'good enough' even though I would argue that his distance and not what is offered is the problem. It's like he longs to be with them but feel like he is an outsider, scared of rejection he goes before they can tell him to move on. Projected rejection.

*Saturn governs ambition, career, authority and hierarchy, and conforming social structures.

From the LWB:
We tend to Make excuses for our behavior, particularly when er are unhappy but powerless to make a change. Yet you can change and start putting your life together applying self-discipline. The reason you make excuses is because you are afraid you won’t succeed
Realize your self-worth using your innate determination.


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