New Symbolism

The crowned one

For me as long as they follow the suites, courts, and majors they are tarot. If they do not then they are something else.

Remove the Bishop's and half the pawns from a chessboard and you either have a incomplete chess game or a game based off of chess but not chess. Change the looks of the pieces but keep the rules and layout and it is still chess.

Same with the cards. I divide tarot onto art decks and reading decks but they must have all the characteristics of tarot to be tarot for me. The art does not make or break what is tarot, it is the characteristics of the deck.


The Rohrig, Quest and Book of Kaos, Oracle Tarot, Intuitive and Wormweird come to mind for something fairy non-traditional.


Mr. Rooster!!! (TCO)
Well said!

The Tarot of Transformation follows a different concept, the Medicine woman Tarot tells the story of one character in each suite, justto name a few more "none traditional" decks...