New Years Resolutions Involving Tarot


With the end of the year coming up I thought it would be interesting to see how many of us have New Years resolutions that involve tarot. I am positively dreadful at following through on New Years resolutions, particularly those that include dieting and exercise. So this year I am making a different type of New Years resolution. One that centers around something I love, and will hopefully follow-through on. My New Years resolution for 2007 is to write at least 6 deck reviews on decks listed on Solandia's wishlist (ones I have the decks of).

Anyone else including Tarot in their New Years resolution?

Little Baron

To stay drawing with the Cosmic Tribe in my blog. To not let it fall apart down to either laziness or temptation of other packs.

I am using the Marseille for all other readings. But I want to get a good grounding with the CT. I think it has become my personal deck and the draws [and study here] will be a good foundation for the future, I feel.

For now, that is enough.



My resloution is to do 1 review a month from Solandia's list...(it's a big goal...but I really want to do it..if I can find the decks)

.....become more versed in astrology - as it connects to the Tarot....

and, start putting pen to paper on my ideas for a deck...


Gayla said:
My resloution is to do 1 review a month from Solandia's list...(it's a big goal...but I really want to do it..if I can find the decks)
If you don't mind, maybe we can coordinate to ensure we are not reviewing the same deck, that way she will at least get 18 decks off of her list done in 2007.


I resolve to keep my Tarot collection at a "reasonable" level. And also to learn how to read with pip style cards.


I resolve to get my tarot display and storage back into order so that I can find things easily.

My collection has been in a state of semi-disarray since summer . . .


I want to be more pro-active in keeping my Tarot journal up to date, and remember to record my readings better.

I have had an idea for a childrens fairy-tale based on the Tarot, (started over a year ago- it's written, but only one illustration done so far...:rolleyes:) would like to get that at least sketched out.

There are probably more, but that will do for a start!



I have tons of tarot resolutions! One is to get my collection just a bit more organized. Another is to always do a daily pick and maybe work with a different deck, for this, each month. I want to spend more time reading the books that accompany the Llewellyn decks and other tarot books, as well as just spend a lot more quality time with my decks. I want to become more familiar with their history, the artists, the artwork, symbolism, etc. I have recently been starting to read Greek Mythology and hope to add more interesting reads that will help develop my tarot knowledge. Christmas is such a busy time and approaching quickly, but I look forward to diving into tarot, along other things, come January!


Mine is to keep using diverse tools towards my recovery...tarot is included in them. :) So by implication, yes.


I have started some sketches and am "exploring materials" for the creation of a personal hand made deck. My goal is to keep working on this deck. I shy away from saying "I will finish ___ cards" because the way I envision this deck working, I will be revising cards for several years as an ongoing hobby, and likely there will never be a time where there is even one card that is in a "finished" state- but I hope to get 78 cards that are in "good enough to read with" shape within 3 or 4 years.