No tipsy tarot-readers?


I just read a bio on a website about professional tarot readings that included a reader who specified that she did not consume any alcoholic beverages before or during reading tarot cards.

I wondered about that. Granted I wouldn't want to think that someone I paid money to was falling-down drunk when they read my cards....but then again, what if several drinks is what it takes for the person to relax and go with their gut instincts and tell me what she/he was truly seeing in my cards?

This can also raise the question of what we are "calling up" when we read our cards. (That reader mentioned that as well) Something that could be dangerous? I don't know about that either. My own beliefs run deep but I'm not sure that alcohol would make any unearthly force more dangerous than it would be if it were faced sober. If something is that powerful you might not stand a chance anyway.

Also, what constitutes drinking "too much"? A glass of wine to relax doesn't seem so terrible to me. Perhaps the whole bottle is "too much" but once again, I wonder at what is so awfully wrong with the reader taking steps to let go of preconceived ideas and read what is in front of her?

The thought of a tarot reader drinking on the job never occurred to me before, and I certainly never asked a reader I was paying if they had a policy about alcohol, but since reading that bit on the website it has me wondering. Additionally, something in that statement made me think it was a warning about other tarot readers who might drink and read......

What does everyone think about this??


I was in a quandry here about what forum was best for this post. If I chose wrong I apologize!


The Appearence of Sobriety?

Tara2007 said:
I just read a bio on a website about professional tarot readings that included a reader who specified that she did not consume any alcoholic beverages before or during reading tarot cards.
Well, different people react differently to alcohol. One cocktail can interfere withs some folks perceptions and reactions while other folk take down a bottle of vodka with no ill effects.

Personally, I think it's going a bit far to say no alcohol at all before or during. I don't see that a glass of wine would affect a reading.

On the other hand, it might not look or seem very professional to have a reader sitting there knocking back beers. So maybe this reader said she didn't cosume alcohol because of makes her appear more professional--rather like a designated driver?--as compared to having a valid reason not to do so.


Well I guess it depends on your perspective of alcohol. I wouldn't care all that much, granted it was only a little to "loosen up". If the person couldn't read without drinking, I most likely wouldn't go to them because they have a few things they need to work out.


Personally, i don't drink much in general :) and most of my readings are sober :D

Why i don't drink much is because, main reason, I don't like the state of tipsyness, second reason because I feel alcohol interferes with my energetic wellbeing.

However, I have done readings in the past with a glass of wine or two in me, and it does not really interfere (it's the next day I had problems ;) ). In a state of ebriety (which is very rare to non-existing with me, though), I wouldn't do readings though (because i wouldn't be able to trust my tongue to speak or my fingers to type properly)!


this being said, I'll move this thread over to the Talking Tarot forum - follow the re-direct to find us ;)


Well being 17 i dont drink, and i dont want to. haha I know the negative side to it and it out weighs the "good"


Tara2007 said:
I just read a bio on a website about professional tarot readings that included a reader who specified that she did not consume any alcoholic beverages before or during reading tarot cards.
C'mon - If I read an ad that said that, my first thought would be, yeah right, you've already had too many! :D



Alcohol affects your judgement, simple as that. If you need alcohol to loosen up, then it seems there might be some hang ups that need to be worked on... sober.

I'm not saying a glass of wine would be a bad thing... for me, it would be or could be. I don't think a querant would appreciate me suddenly needing to get sick or have to lay down. I think all my younger days caught up with me or something...


Personally, putting such a statement in a bio seems a bit weird. I think it's like any professional career... you don't drink while you're working.

Tara2007 said:
...something in that statement made me think it was a warning about other tarot readers who might drink and read.

I agree... by putting such a statement makes the querent then question "oh so do Tarot readers drink while they are reading?". I think it's uncalled for (that's my opinion).

However, when I was in my early 20's (feels so long ago now) if my flatmates and I had video nights with other friends, the tarot cards always came out after a drink or 2... but that was never, ever on a professional basis... more just for fun - my readings were always very accurate whether I had a glass of bubbles or not.


I would think the tarot-reader herself had seen negative effects of people reading while drinking, because she feels the need to mention it speficically.
What is "drinking too much" would be different for every person; for me one glass of wine or beer would not be too much to be able to read.

On the other hand, she is a professional reader - and I would expect someone not to drink during their "working hours", whether they work from home or wherever. For me, alcohol is associated with relaxing not working.
It would be different if she was enjoying a drink in her free time and someone would ask for a reading on the spot. Depending on the reader and the amount of alcohol already consumed - it could work or not.

Edited to add:
I see Colby just posted before me saying the same thing.

Knight of Wands

I have read drunk before.

Was ok, but wouldn't do it again.

I read a lot better sober :)