Not sure about guides etc..


Not really sure how to ask this question as it sounds a bit dopey. Obviously a lot of people that read Tarot, simply read using the pictures and their intuition. But I,ve read so much about people asking their inner guide/angel guide/spirit guide to help them it,s a bit confusing. By asking a guide to help you are you asking someone/thing from the spirit world to help you? Is this necesary to read the Tarot? By doing this, not really being sure of what you,re doing , are you inviting spirits into your home? Are you putting yourself at danger? Is this only something that would be done by people that are mediums? Sorry if that,s too many questions. After reading several posts on here, I have asked my inner guide to help me, not really knowing why. Is this nothing to do with spirits from the spirit world? I panicked a bit thinking that I was getting into something that I realy had no knowledge of or power over.Have I invited something into my home? Would be really gratefull if someone with more experiance than myself could enlighten me on this one.

Original Destiny

Hi Janeypoo...yes a lot of questions there...ok i will answer you dont need a spirit guide to read Tarot...I have been working with the Tarot for over 30 years all on my to asking/inviting spirit guides someone experienced in that field will help Im sure.


Spirit Guides

Hi Jane,
Other people may have things to add on the subject but I hope this helps -
if you have only asked your "inner guide" to help you, then it has nothing to do with spirits or anyone except yourself. Nothing will have been invited into your home. It is basically your subconscious self, which is more likely to be able to see things clearly than your conscious self as it is not caught up in worries or problems like "what if I'm wrong?" or "I don't want any bad news to come up as I really like this querant". It is basically asking for all of your own issues to be put aside so that your inner wisdom can help you produce a better reading.

Angel guides and Spirit guides are, as you quite rightly said, things that are outside yourself and which inhabit a different realm or realms to us. Some people believe in them and use them, whilst others don't. It is not necessary to ask any guides to work with you when you are reading tarot cards, although some people feel that it helps them. It is truly a personal thing.

Angel guides are somewhat akin to a "guardian angel" and Spirit guides are believed to be assigned to us to guide us through life. If you are keen to work with either Angels or Spirit guides, I would advise that you get more information on doing so, so that you are completely reassured that you're working safely.

Hope that helps :) If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.


Thankyou for your replies, that,s made things a lot clearer to me. I really wasn,t too sure about the inner guide thing. I think I,ll just stick with that as anything else sounds a little too scary for me. I suppose it,s the unknown. I don,t think I would be strong anough to deal with anything else should something go wrong because I don,t know what I,m doing. I was a bit worried as in the past I have been to tarot readers who have used spirit guides and each time, even with different readers, they have said that they have been flooded with spirits, but only good ones(thankfully)coming to see me. Two readers could not even do readings for their clients after me as these spirits would not go away.But each time they reassured me it was only good harmless spirits.I was worried that simply by thinking of these things, I would invite something along that I didn,t want to.


Janeypoo said:
I was worried that simply by thinking of these things, I would invite something along that I didn,t want to.

Unless you specifically invite or invoke something like a spirit or a guide, you'll be fine. Even your spiritual guides (if you believe in them) will not intervene unless you ask them to. If you're not confident in dealing with the spirit world, then just work with your inner guide. The best of luck for your future readings :)