Numerology for the pips


Doughnuts, eclairs, or pan dulce?


sravana said:
Doughnuts, eclairs, or pan dulce?

Can't we have some of each. I make a mean 'campfire' coffee. :love:


In the words of one of my long-time internet friends -Yes! but we also need firemen and ponies! :D :D :D :D :eek:


Hi everyone, great to see this thread bumped again and Mel back. :)

A gentle reminder to stay on topic though please.



Taking this right back to the beginning (I wasn't around then!):-

Moonbow* said:
Can we talk about the methods used by each of us for reading the pips, and what keywords we use for each number? ....
Would anyone else like to share theirs?
Well, as you say, after a number of years accustomed to illustrated pips, I found the unillustrated ones challenging at first.

For a while I went to a hybrid between a Majors-only deck and a full deck, using the Majors, the Aces and the Court Cards, but that only lasted a year or two, it wasn't really satisfactory. I toyed with writing key-words onto the pips, but that was too crass even for me. So when I decided I really, really wanted to spend some quality personal time with the Visconti (The TdM is suspiciously new!), I sat down with other decks I was more familiar with, and wondered what it was that - say - all the twos had in common, or all teh fives, or all the nines. And they all did have something in common. then you've got your magical correspondences for the elements: Earth (pentacles) being physicality, Water (Cups) being emotions, Air (Swords) being the intellect, and Fire (Wands) being energy and activity.

So, for example, I see teh twos generally as pairs or polarisation: Pentacles indicate a need to balance polarities in ones wants against one's resources, Cups represent strong emotions (good and bad) between two hearts, Swords represent either one person "being in two minds" or two people thinking in completely different and incompatible ways with each other, and the Wands as indicating a need to put your energies and efforts in different directions. And so forth throutghout the numbers.

The system is still firming up.


An astrology based system


I have a system to share.
It is based on astrology, but I have chosen it because it seems to match well with the RWS images (apologies, in this context).
Nevertheless, it is a systematic approach that will work equally well with non-illustrated pip decks, so may be of interest here.

I you don't mind, I'll simply refer you to where it is already explained on my website -

[website removed by moderator]



Hi beanu,

Very interesting, thank you for posting the url. Gonna study it. Pity about it being Rider-waite style.... but the System is the thing!

Bee :)


This thread has been extremely inspiring to read. And somewhat complex, I had to add, for a start Ill try to keep my own approach to the numbers as simple as possible.

I have only really been into the Marseilles for a week, and I have tried to work out a method to liberate my self from the RWS images, yet still be able to read different sort of decks with my "own" method. But for now the focus is the Marseilles Pips.

I've been working on a system for about a week, so this is just a temporarily draft, and I am not nearly close yet.

I started out trying to connect three or four concepts with each number. Some has fewer, some has more. Then suddenly it accured to me, that one concept per number would be enough (and the others should just be facets thereof).

And that this concept could be based on a understanding of the numbers as describing a proces of creativity or creation. I admit that this is not necessarily a new thought and that I am inspired of the tetractys stuff that both Mel and Umbrae are talking about. But still I feel this basic understanding is my key to the numbers (and I think that the idea of creativity goes well with my interest in alchemy, seen as the Great Work (something I'll try to investigate later) as briefly discussed with Bee in another thread)

So here we go:

1. Point (unity, source/essence, emanation, potential)
2. Distinction (duality/polarity, complementarity, balance)
3. Unfoldment (creativity, flow, developement)
4. Consolidation (structure, stability, fixation)
5. Disturbance (challenge, change, transformation, disintegration)
6. Harmony (beauty, sharing, love)
7. Inspiration (ideas, possibilities, visions)
8. Execution (work, discipline, focus)
9. Maturity (ripeness, conclusion, experience, withdrawel)
10. Completion (wholeness, transcendence, manifestation, cycle)

to be continued ...

ETA: potential


Bernice said:
For those who are interested, Mel is posting here at this thread:

A happy Bee :)
See what I find so refreshing about this method is, it uses ideas and notions that were in place at the time tarot developed...correspondences that have nothing to do with Ettiella et al.... ie elemental relationships that have nothing to do with water for cups, fire for wands... correspondences that have something to do with the actual time frame we are looking at historically. Like that Hanged Man is literally being tortured, which is so different than some of the RWS based interps for that image. It makes it feel right, rather than feel like an overlay that "has to be used since we have no other options."

It sounds intimidating and harder than just connecting the trump to the pip (at least it did to me before I gave it a try)...but it really is not any harder, it is just different and once it is used one can see how perfectly it flows, how it all fits together and makes Perfect Sense. And because it flows so beautifully like an elaborate math problem, it actually feels easier in the end, rather than forcing it into a structure that is all wrong for it, that ignores the images we have in front of our eyes and pretends they are in fact RWS images.

Have I mentioned that I really Love this method? :D