Offering combination plant and crystal card readings


merissa_88 said:
Comfrey -Druid Plant Oracle
Four of Cups/Burdock -Herbal Tarot
Parsley/The Lovers -Herbal Tarot
Rhodonite/Talents - Crystal Ally Cards

There's a lot of yellow and red in your cards, indicating passion and power/protection are themes in your reading. You are going within right now, partially to purify and wait for divine assistance, and also to understand the past as it affects relationships. You will receive insights that will help you to to attract what you want. You're being guided to share your passions and talents with your community.

This actually sounds like the kind of news I could use right now. The relationships in my life are being drawn to the forefront of my mind after a conflict I've had this past week with a friend. So I'm starting to re-evaluate things. I certainly hope that I do receive some form of guidance soon though to help me get to what I want.

Magic: there's a combination of healing power, protection, and the awakening of passion and creativity with these plants and this stone. Also good for travel and money.

Ah! That's promising since I want to intern kind of far away this summer!

Healing magic: helps with stress, skin, the liver, and urinary tract.

Well, helping with stress and skin is something I could certainly go for haha.


Reading for cherryberry

Mint - Druid Plant Oracle
Nine of Cups/Squaw Vine- Herbal Tarot
Five of Wands/Turmeric - Herbal Tarot
Turquoise/Wholeness - Crystal Ally Cards

The colors blue, purple, and red are very obvious in your cards. This means that divine truth, wisdom, abundance and protection are important in your reading. You have the opportunity to make a new beginning and to have a lot of mental clarity. You may have a tendency to want to wait before making changes, but this is a good time to make a start and you're up for any challenges you might face. You have a lot of confidence and can speak your mind when you need to. You can also understand where other people are coming from if they disagree with you. This allows you to to reconcile differences before they come to a big argument.

Magic: money, travel, protection against others' jealousy, healthy and safe children, good home life.

Healing magic: digestion, pregnancy, inflammation, menstrual cycles, neck or throat problems.


Would you be interested in doing another? :D

If so, dob is May 6, 1986

I can do an exchange if you like, the oracles I own are in my profile. :)


Hi Amanda_04, I'd love to do an exchange. I'll get your reading to you later on tonight! Thanks, Merissa


Sounds good. Thanks! :)


merissa_88 said:
Mint - Druid Plant Oracle
Nine of Cups/Squaw Vine- Herbal Tarot
Five of Wands/Turmeric - Herbal Tarot
Turquoise/Wholeness - Crystal Ally Cards

The colors blue, purple, and red are very obvious in your cards. This means that divine truth, wisdom, abundance and protection are important in your reading. You have the opportunity to make a new beginning and to have a lot of mental clarity. You may have a tendency to want to wait before making changes, but this is a good time to make a start and you're up for any challenges you might face. You have a lot of confidence and can speak your mind when you need to. You can also understand where other people are coming from if they disagree with you. This allows you to to reconcile differences before they come to a big argument.
ah, this is quite funny indeed! Here is my first association when I read this, I am just studying for me exams and literally just now read an article about leadership and Emotional intelligence (secretly ticking off which of the qualities I have and lack :D )
Understanding others point of view is Empathy, speak when you need to came up in the part about self-awareness and confidence. :)

And once I read it, I thought about a topic at work that I will have to address now as I finished some projects and (hopefully soon) finish my exams as well.

So this reading seems to say, that my plan is ok....already discussed it a few times with my manager...nothing changed. BUt the article gave me some good tips re approaching this and 'why' especially. So, thats what I'll do, I wanted to wait, because the next step - as I see it - is to go to the manager of my manager, and I was a bit hesitant. But I have a good argument, I'll keep it should be ok.

merissa_88 said:
Magic: money, travel, protection against others' jealousy, healthy and safe children, good home life.
Just so I understand it well, does this refer to the cards as well? Is it just an affermation? :)

merissa_88 said:
Healing magic: digestion, pregnancy, inflammation, menstrual cycles, neck or throat problems.

yes, digestion problems, when I am stressed (ie now due to the looming exams) not pregnant :D, inflammation is that maybe heartburn? (english isnt my first language) if so, true as well. Mesntrual cycle, I am late, as usual when I am stressed and I have problems with the neck.
Does this part mean that I need to watch the above?

Thanks very much, I will get on to your reading now.


Hi merissa

here the message from the Angels for you

Move Forward (that card jumped out while shuffeling) - Responsibility/Duty - Healthy Nutrition

Move forward is all about movement, energy, the card is one of the most vibrant cards in the deck (funny that it pushed itself out of the deck as welll rather than me choosing it ;) If you have thought long about an idea, now is the time to move foward with it. It also is an ecouragement to get moving in gerneral, take up some new activities anything that involves movement, movement will also bring new impulses and people to your life

there might be something that you promised people close to you and you are encouraged to keep this promise. You might think you do not have enough time to do it, but you just need to set your priorities differentlty and you will be suprised how much you can get done. Know also that you are in charge of your time, cut out what you do not need, or where others can take on responsibilities. Do not take on what is not your responsibility, becuase you might feel obliged. You need to know what is really yours and look after that :)

Healthy Nutrition
Suggestion to eat more healthy, brink more teas and water, eat anything biologically-dynamic, ie freshly prepare food. This will also give you more energy. :)

All in all, the cards suggest that you need to turn the focus on you and look after yourself well in a number of differnt and maybe new ways.

All the best :heart:


Reading for Ronia

Heather - Druid Plant Oracle
Queen of Cups/Lady's Mantle- Herbal Tarot
Four of Cups/Burdock - Herbal Tarot
Cuprite/Female Power - Crystal Ally Cards

The colours red, pink, and green in your cards indicate relationships, love, and protection are themes in your reading. Your ability to connect with the spirit world is purifying and protecting you. However, it is important for you to have patience, especially with your relationships. This is a good time to celebrate the wonderful connections that you have with the people around you, even your community. You may also be drawn to spending some time alone, while you wait for guidance about what you really want in your life. This guidance may also change the way you interact with people around you. This may sound like a contradiction, but you will be able to go within and still feel a sense of belonging.

Magic: rain magic, connecting with the faerie world, love spells, realizing your talents.

Healing magic: Low appetite,urinary tract, adrenals, problems during menstruation.


Reading for Amanda_04

The Guardians: Elder, Hawthorne, Birch - Druid Plant Oracle
10 of Pentacles/Wild Yam -Herbal Tarot
Queen of Cups/Lady's Mantle - Herbal Tarot
Topaz/Intention - Crystal Ally Cards

I saw a lot of red, yellow, and a little bit of green in your cards. This suggests to me that you are being guided to focus on relationships, power, and vitality in your reading. You'll be more successful when you match up your actions with what you truly want. There's a lot of opportunity around you lately, especially concerning money and abundance. This feeling of abundant opportunities will allow you to tune into your more mystical side. You will also be strengthened by paying attention to the areas in your relationships that work. You'll be able to see other people's true motives and help them to be more clear in their communications.

Magic: love spells, money, good luck, connection with fairies.

Healing magic: low energy, overall health, pain, digestion.