OK I feel a little dumb posting this but----


Griz, you're just getting intuitive input on a different channel! Stay tuned and enjoy the show! ;)


I think as others have said that it's your intuition pointing out to you the meaning for that card in that reading. I sometimes see the oddest things in a card, and it will turn out to be just for that reading. The next time I look at the same card, in another reading, I won't see it the same way at all.

It seems as if you were truly in the moment with that reading, so much so that your intuition didn't just tell you what it meant, it made you see it as if ...

It's a very very good thing.

As for weird, Tarot reading is weird anyway, isn't it? I mean, that's why we have a special purple place to talk about it. :D


Nevada LOL!....ya awesome purple place indeed!

Oh but abt TAROT being wierd...hmmmm thats a tricky one...Iam still thinking...well at times it is...only today you know an acquaintance asked if they were likely to get the job they had taken an interview for...i saw a knight of cups...and i was all dancing LOL assuming it meant a yes! and i am informed he blew up the interview.....hmm so that explains tarot being a bit wierd at times haha!

Well jokes apart, now iam thinking there the KOC could mean being fanciful? imaginative? this guy perhaps just assumed he would make through the interview but didnt and may be the cards showed through KOC that it was just a his FANCY?

As for the rest Nevada..iam gonna say those "wierd" things do happen you know..iam taking the liberty to say this coz it does happen with me and the expreinces cant be put or expressed in words really...



Demon Goddess said:
You want insanity? Try living with a 180 foot long dragon.
<cackle> I used to have one of those curled around the house, with the letterbox square in its jaw. After a while, I stopped getting junk mail <smile>. The bugger wouldn't move house with me, and now the old place has been bulldozed, sadly.

As to the King's Moving Arm, Griz, here's my take on it, for what it's worth:-

I have been saying for years (even decades) that the traditional, LWB meanings are only background information: what is important about the cards in any spread is not just your own ongoing relationship with hte image, but what they say to you in the moment. If your King needed to make a sweeping gesture, then that's what you'll see. You may not have thought it changed the interpretation you gave the client very much - but it may have changed your facial expression, your body-language, your energy. Only about a third of hte information people pick up in a conversation has anything to do with the words. Perhaps you loosened up and smiled, or perhaps you leaned back in your chair, or whatever. I don't know - I wasn't there.

I'm now remembering when a friend of mine did a reading for me in 1992, using the Mythic Deck. We were sitting in my front lawn under the Big Tree (the house with the dragon, now I come to think of it!). I had no particular questions - the reading was a gift from my friend because he felt generous, not because I asked for it. The spread involved quite a lot of cards - a lot more than a conventional Celtic Cross. There were cards on the ground all around us. I was trying not to be a backseat reader.

Well, it was early in the reading and he said something - I can't remember what, now. I asked a question related to his comment, and he pulled the next card off the top of the remainder of the deck to answer it. It was the Chariot. He discussed it, then pushed it into the middle of the deck. We wandered through most of the rest of the spread - and there was the Chariot on broad daylight, looking up at us, already in the spread before he pulled it! But it was completely relevant both to the position where it was lying and the question I had asked earlier, so as neither of us had noticed it being in position before and had "fixed" it into reality there, the scientific concept of Heisenberg's Uncertainly Principle came into my own kind of twisted play, and the card bi-located. If either of us had noticed prior to my question that the Chariot was in the spread, it wouldn't have been able to be pulled.

I don't actually think this stuff is weird or strange at all. It's just the way the world works. I think it far odder, the way an internal combustion engine works (have you ever looked into those things? They're amazing and really, really strange!)



I like what someone here said before,...their mom called it creative reading??

I love when that happens with me. It's like the Universe givin' you a wink and sayin' howdy!!!!

Just another example of a Haunted deck. I love this stuff.

I particularly enjoy when I am gazing at a picture of someone and I see that person's eyes move or change expression, or they smile. Makes my day.


Demon Goddess where have you been???


That's really intense. I hope it opens up for me like that, some day.

For me, It only happens slightly with facial expressions, they change based on the meanings. Some slight shifting in colors in the background, perhaps, but it's always subtle. Sometimes angles or lines change a bit. Never anything that amazing. What a great feeling that must be!

Sunday, doing a reading, I pulled that very King, using the Druidcraft, even, and he looked SO dour, and so disapproving, so much like a displeased father. I almost apologized to him!


Well, it makes me think maybe I should use this deck more. It's the Russian bootleg version I got on the Trading forum and I'm not familiar with the deck that much so I had put it aside because it took me so long to figure out what some of the cards are since I don't read Russian and many of the cards have the usual symbols kind of hidden. I think I'm going to use it more often now.


I think that's great and even better is that you know better than to dismiss it as something frivolous or that you're "crazy." You know what it means deep down and hopefully this won't be the last time it happens!!!

Yay for you. How fun to have messages that are so visual and blatant...Let us know if it happens again!

Indigo Rose

Grizabella said:
I usually kind of scoff to myself when I see people posting about "spooky" or "weird" things that happen with Tarot cards. I just posted on one of those threads yesterday, as a matter of fact. Maybe this is my comeuppance for that.

Now, for anyone scoffing to themselves about this, thinking I'm making it up, I'm here to tell you that if it can happen to me, it can happen to anyone, so beware!

Sometimes the things we *scoff* at are the very things we are most curious to discover. Perhaps this is the Universe's way of opening your heart and mind to the possibilities that exist. :)

I've been reading since July 2000...so going on 9 years. When i first started, I was very *scientific* in my approach to the Tarot and life in general. Not anymore. There is so much more going on than we can discern through logic. The only way to experience the Mysteries is to truly be OPEN to them.

I hope this event means an even greater awareness for you, if that is what you want to experience. :)

Thanks for sharing. :heart:


I hope more like this happens, too. I didn't doubt it ever happens, I guess, but I just didn't think it would ever happen to me. I think I thought it was only for other, more "special" people.