Open your presents!!!!


They will come as either YES or NO! Come pick up one for yourself or your loved ones:)



Are these yes and no questions?


Is M missing me


Do my guides want me to move on from RB ?


hey pumpkins, how are you? This is a cool idea.

Should I forget about being friends with K?


Is M missing me


The answer is YES!

What is about to happen is called synchronicity! You two are connected,perhaps entangled even! It might appear that all ducks are lining up on your behalf. The reason is because you are finally paying attention! Good!


Do my guides want me to move on from RB ?

Silver lining

It only looks like disruption! Everything is fine, even beyond fine! Underneath appearances is a silver/gold/platinum lining! Just sit tight and enjoy!

The answer is NO! Stay where you are!


hey pumpkins, how are you? This is a cool idea.

Should I forget about being friends with K?

Am good think! How are you:)

Something for you:

Silver lining

The answer is NO!

Things are okay! Don't try to disrupt! Just enjoy where you are because underneath appearances there is a treasure! Sit back and have fun!


Am good think! How are you:)

Something for you:

Silver lining

The answer is NO!

Things are okay! Don't try to disrupt! Just enjoy where you are because underneath appearances there is a treasure! Sit back and have fun!

Great to hear. I'm groovy too, ta.

Aww, thanks. We have some distance which is a bit unsettling, but I need the break, yeah. This might mean we can fix it tho, yay. Thanks!