Optimistic readers... Or not. (AKA: Types of tarot readers.)

OperaPhantom u_u

Read about future is a little tricky. Is impossible to say whether one is looking directly into other time ahead or one is ‘programming’ it all the time. In a tarot reading I think it can be both of them. I think the way we use the cards is crucial to obtain a greater scope to offer possible alternatives to every problem we may face in a reading for someone. Or more exactly, how to say something that helps the querent to face difficult situations, to make him/her understand where is she/he a where is possibly going.

I remember a book’s lecture from some time ago, The Lord of the Rings, and I remember the mage Gandalf as being called ‘Stormcrow’ for he always was a harbinger of bad news, but without his help surely the situation would be harder than otherwise.


romanticdreamz said:
Following on from a comment I made in a different thread, I was curious to find out if you think there are different types of tarot readers out there? Not so much the method used or the cards or where a reader reads, but rather the outcome or final reading itself.

I often find that I rarely read anything too negative in my readings. There is some negativity but a lot of it would be advice or good news or some such.

Do you get optimistic and pessimistic readers? Does this affect the reading or the outcome of the reading?

I did have a moment where I questioned my ability to read the cards at all if I seem too "soft" or too happy-go-lucky as it were.

I tell what I see. Plain and simple. I keep in mind free will reigns, and nothing to come is set in stone. I also believe that from bad comes opportunities that we wouldn't have otherwise, it is our attitudes that define events to be "bad" or "good".