Oracle of Rama?


A friend recently mentioned this deck which I had never heard of. They said read easier for them than I believe they mentioned the I Ching. Anyway, I went over to Amazon and read what little bit they had on it. Just wondering if anyone has it, how they like it as my friend thinks it's GREAT. I'm not either way yet, just gathering info. THANKS for any thoughts!


This is an adaptation of the original Oracle of Rama (Rama Ajna Prashna), written by the sixteenth century Hindu saint, Tulsidas. This was based on the Ramayana-- the life of Rama. Frawley's version fills out the verse meanings and has changed poetic style as necessary for understanding. There are two groups of cards: Rama's Quest and Divine Guides. There are 49 RQ cards and these are based on the Ramayana. There are seven sections, each one with seven verses (this mirrors the structure of the Ramayana). Each RQ card has a description of the pertinent verse, what it signifies, and seven options for advice. There is only a small image on these cards; they are mostly text. The seven DG cards each have large images of a god from the Ramayana and the power it embodies. The way you use the Oracle, after following spiritual preliminaries the night before, is to shuffle the RQ cards, lay facedown, and choose one. It indicates the chapter and section to look up in the book. This is a general indication regarding your question. Then you shuffle the DG cards, lay facedown, and choose one. The number on this card indicates which verse in the section answers your question. It appears on your RQ card, but a more comprehensive version appears in the book.

Frawley says that this oracle is to be respected and not used for frivolous questions. The book tells which days are favorable for divination and describes how to perform the spiritual preliminaries (these are brief). He says that this is the best of the shorter Indian divination methods, and is the simplest and easiest to use.

I have not done divination with this deck yet, but am saving it for a serious question worthy of its attention. Most of what I want to know probably falls into the trivial category, and I am a bit too nervous to approach the extremely serious questions just now. So this deck, like Tibetan Mo, falls into the occasional use category, at least for me.


Thank you, WyrdRaven!

I appreciate all the information as I had never heard of it til a friend mentioned. She likes it very much and said she finds it useful. I may give it a try, but like you, wouldn't use it for trivial questions either, but for perspective on more serious ones.


I got this deck and it has given me some useful answers, I don't use it that much because I wish there was more to it, ways that I myself could interpret the cards, this is more like a fortune telling deck, than an oracle deck where there are deck speads, and your can be more of an interpreter.
I don't think you have to worry about what kind of questions you ask as long as they are valid ( not silly). They persent a different concept from any other cards on the market, which makes them stand out from other Indian Mythology decks. If you know what you are getting you will like then.


I actually just got this deck about 2 weeks ago and i completely love it. It is very straight forward and easy to handle for me. I found the concept of having "2 parts" to deck weird at first, but after doing a quite few readings with this deck, i found it quite accurate and enjoyable. I'm not sure how to compare it to other oracle decks since i only have tarot decks for now, but if you haven't gotten it yet, i think its worth looking into.


Thanks Belinda and Irene!

I appreciate your feedback very much. With tarot, you at least have an idea of the system, it's more how you feel about the images. With oracles, well, there can be so many more possibilities, esp with a deck you don't know anything about. I look forward to getting it one day and checking it out.


I haven't heard of it either, but it sounds really neat. I think I may have to get this deck also. Please let us know if you get this greatdane and what you think about it. :)