Oracle vs Tarot


Aulruna said:
And while I may use attributes like talkative to describe a deck, I don't mean this in an anthromorphisizing way (is that even a word...).

With the Froud's Faeries, I believe this one draws Faerie energy and Faeries to you. Not because it's an Oracle though.
I totally agree with Aulruna! I will describe a tarot deck as talkative, but I mean that I can deck alot out of the artwork. I feel exactly the same as Aulruna about the Froud Faeries and I'm finding the same with the dragonfae decks as well. They both draw fae energy and faeries but not because they are oracles rather than tarot.


gregory said:
But saying a tarot deck has a personality and can Bring Evil Powers To Bear (which is said a lot !) is like a red rag to a bull....
Or to a whole herd of stampeding kine ...

(my way of saying yes)