Oracles Weekly Focus 5/3/09


I am feeling an urge to learn/study/reflect more on oracles. I love the reading exchanges and the study groups for specific decks but I feel like there is so much to learn in general SO I am going to pick a weekly focus related to oracles. Some will just be questions to reflect on...some may be related to something I read or see and it resonants with me and I want to "look" at it more...or some might be little activities that help me get in touch with the cards and also with myself...

If anyone would care to join me....I would love to hear your ideas and experiences....This is my "activity" for this week....

WEEK of MAY 3rd 2009:

Pick a least favorite and most favorite from three different decks...what do they have in common? What might they be telling you? the case that you don't have three decks...use what you have.


Okay for my first part of this weeks focus...I am pulling my favorite card from three different decks:

1. Froud's Faeries:

FAVORITE CARD(S): I'm actually listing two. One is my favorite that I drew when I first got the deck as part of the opening exercises and the second is one I have grown to love...

CARD #11 The Singer of Transfiguration....this is my original card from the opening exercises and I still LOVE is mystical and promises changes that will impact me and life on all is a card of growth and energy. When I picked it...I was going on the way the figure looked but the description certainly fits...the period of my life also. To me...the red denotes passion...not passion in the sexual sense but a passion or a strong drive/caring etc. A passion for LIFE so to speak.

CARD #46....Currently the Friends card is most likely my favorite...I smile when it comes up...I think this is because there have been a lot of focus on friends right now in my life
(Just so you know I have other cards I love as well...the Fee Lion, O That Gnome, Indi, and my personal card Dragonfly.)

When I come to think of it those all kind of fit together like the pieces of a puzzle ...the puzzle of my life....there's a theme there....I'm going to reflect on this more and may write more about it later this week.

2. Mexican Loteria Cards:

CARD: La Pera or The Pear
"He who waits, despairs."

Again I think I am drawn to this card because it has a personal message for me...LIVE LIFE....don't let opportunities pass you by. Take action...make things happen.

3. The Answer is Simple Deck: Okay I have never tried the favorite card exercise with this deck so when I went to pick it...Well it was tough...the cards I have selected are # 59 Spread the Light...#33 See the Light....# 45 Invest in Your Spirit....#13 Clear the Fog.....#31 Keep Dancing....and the winner is...

CARD: #31 Keep Dancing...I am really drawn to the other cards also but KEEP DANCING is my choice because it sums up my life matter what happens....regroup and KEEP DANCING......I'll share more about what attracted me to the other cards later this week.

Well this is my first day reflection and as you can see...I still need to mull over these favorite cards and almost favorites to see what I can glean from them...

I hope you will consider joining me with your own decks...


DragonFae said:
Currently the Friends card is most likely my favorite...I smile when it comes up...I think this is because there have been a lot of focus on friends right now in my life
(Just so you know I have other cards I love as well...the Fee Lion, O That Gnome, Indi, and my personal card Dragonfly.)

When I come to think of it those all kind of fit together like the pieces of a puzzle ...the puzzle of my life....there's a theme there....I'm going to reflect on this more

As I said....these cards draw me for a certain reason...they "make sense" and fit in with my life/personality....I love the Friends card because right now in my life...friends are VERY important...They are filling a need for family...since my mom and dad have passed they have added a new dimension to my life...On the other hand..The Fee Lion is like soooooo me...he is the procrastinator...and O That Gnome says ..."there is truth in wine" and that belief has arisen many times in the last year or so....LOL....Indi is my message from the universe card and he/she is a cute little one...also called Libra's Bane....hmmmm...I am a Libra....and last my wonderful DragonFly faery...who came into my life through a series of FORTUNATE


I'd certainly like to join you. After a put my little one to bed, I will come back with my faves.

I'll use my Mystisches Kipper, one of my Lenormand decks - I need to pick one, and not sure on the third deck.

Look forward to the exploration.


First Deck: Anubis Oracle

Most Favorite Card: I - Entering The Mystery

In this card, Nekhbet-Mother-Mut is hovering w/wings outstretched. In her talon she clutches an Ankh. Beneath her a dove approaches, bearing an olive branch - an offering. In the foreground of the card, Isis and Nephthys stand, creating an entryway with their arms. The nile runs between them off into the distance - a path to lead you on your new adventure.

I loved this card, initially, for the simple beauty of the images. The fitting meaning behind the images is so moving for me. The 2 Goddesses, welcoming, as they create the portal for me to enter, to begin my journey of self-exploration. The wise old vulture watching from above, protective and nurturing.

Least Favorite: 17- Sothis

It was much harder to choose for this. I very much enjoy the imagery of this deck, so I could not base my choice on appearance. I don't know the deck as well as I should, so it is harder to base my decision by card meanings that don't fit for me.

I chose Sothis. She doesn't seem to fit as well with the other cards of the deck. Perhaps I am just not familiar with her myths, but she doesn't feel as "Egyptian" as the other cards. When I read the book, she seems more "fluffy" to me.

I will need to read up on her again in the book and do some internet searches to see what I can discover about her.


emmsma...thanks for joining me...I'll need to look up the images in your deck...I'm not familar with it but it sounds exotic and beautiful.


Deck # 2: Mystisches Kipper

This deck was extremely difficult to narrow down. I love them all so much. It is my #1 deck right now. The imagery is so expressive and moving. I feel so much when I look at them. The colors are soft, and feel to me, like dreaming. The borders are very much like picture frames.

When I first attempted to work on this deck for this exercise I was unable to get down to lower than 8 cards!

Trying again. OK. Only One card. :bugeyed:

I can do this.

My favorite card is...meh. You get 4!

3. Ehestandskarte/ Couldn't get a translation of the title.

In the card a woman sits playing piano. A monkey holds the sheet music. There is a lamp burning. The walls are red. A gentleman stands at her side, listening to her play. He is holding a glass of wine.

They are very comfortable together and very much enjoy being in each other's company.
To me this card speaks of cozy quiet times together. It says savor these tender moments.

Translation on this one was pretty shaky, so the card means what I want it to mean. :)

10. Eine Reise/ A Journey.

My feelings do not match the translation I found, so again, I go with my feeling.

A man stands on the dock, with his belongings and his dog - waiting. The ship is approaching but has not yet arrived. I suppose it is just on sunrise, the day just beginning. It seems darkish and sad. It does not seem a happy journey. Perhaps one of obligation or duty. Perhaps he has nothing left to stay for. Perhaps he is running away.

33. Trube Gendanken/ Murky Thoughts

The (same?) man stands on the end of a precipice. The storm clouds are rolling in. THe waves are turbulent.

Things must be very hard for him, to have brought him to this desolate place. What is he thinking? does he plan to jump?

36. Die Hoffnung Grobes Wasser/ Hope

The moon hangs above a waterfall. There are trees scattered among the slopes. A ?lake at the bottom receives the falls. There is a deer on the banks. There is a small house sitting atop the cliff, the falls lay on either side of it, actually. I think i see a creature in a shelf behind the falls. Can it be a dragon?

This card is very dreamlike. It offers hope of peace and tranquility. A place where dreams come true.

The cards that didn't make the cut:
12. Reiches Madchen
20. Haus
34. Arbeit. Beschaftigung
35. Ein langer Weg

Least Favorite:
17.Geschenk bekommen/ Gifts

A lovely Christmas tree sits, decorated, with presents all around it. There is even a curious kitty looking on. (There are many kitties throughout this deck, which I love)
Then in the background, to ruin the mood, is a bunch of eyes. There is a dark blue background and about 20 eyes looking out. It doesn't appear to be a window or a tapestry. They are just there.

What is that about? What are they supposed to represent? This wall of eyes staring out? They must be there for a reason, but I find them creepy and jarring. I can't ignore them, but their prescence makes it difficult to see the card as wholly joyful and indicative of happiness and life running smoothly.

Next deck: Lenormand (specific deck still to be decided on.)


I used the links to look at the decks you are writing about...the images are awesome...very interesting also.


I was planning on using either the French Cartomancy or Lenormand Oracle and they both seem so pale and washed out after the Kipper....


Deck#3 Tree Magick Cards

This deck just arrived today, so I thought I'd peruse them and see how they fit in with this exercise.

Most Favorite: 17 The Laurel Tree/ Victory

A nice, round, full bodied tree is centered on the card. Laurel leaves adorn the 4 corners. Above the tree is the quote:
There is no crowning glory of achievement without first being victorious over the inner conflict.

All the cards are arranged this way. This laurel seemed neat, simple and proud. The sentiment of the card is one I can learn from and would do well to remember.

I will never be a great woman of the world, nor do I need to be. It will be quite enough for me to overcome my inner demons.

Least Favorite: 29 The Fig Tree/ Enlightened Love

Arrangement is as stated above, with tree centered and leaves accenting the corners.

Lower pleasures you attract are potentially overwhelming and dangerous. Peace arrives through higher gratification.

Somehow it quite annoyed me reading this. Like I am being accused of being a dirty woman or something.

"Your life would be so much better if only you gave up whoring."
"You know how dangerous it is . You've just got to stop shooting up in doorways."

Come on cards! Don't tell me to clean up my act. I'm not that bad.

In their defense, we've only just met. I haven't even tried to read with them yet. Perhaps they are not as rude and pushy as this card makes me feel they can be.

Tomorrow I will come back to post my closing - what I feel they have in common, and what they might be telling me.