Pentacles Suit - Discerning between body and home issues


I have done a couple of readings recently and where pentacles came up, I thought it was communicating something about the querent's physical environment (house, home, dwelling). But both readers came back saying that what I was saying about a home was actually relevant to their bodily health. I consider the body a home for the energetic self/soul so how can I better differentiate house/dwelling issues from health/body issues? Any feedback would be most appreciated. Thanks.



I think you would have to look at the question and the surrounding cards in order to tell what "resource" a particular pentacle card is speaking to. Also, you can ask the querent what makes sense to her in a reading...get a conversation going so that you can best interpret the cards of the spread.

For instance, if the Queen of Pentacles is surrounded by, say, the Nine and Four of Swords, it could be saying that the querent needs to look at her health, and that she may face a period of ill-health and recuperation (possibly a hospital stay)...This is, of course a simplification, but my point is that reading the cards against one another (looking a the whole spread) and discussing them with the querent is the best way to determine what a reading is talking about.