Pentacles that aren't Pentacles: help me pick a deck


I really enjoy reading for a couple of ladies at my work: they are a mother/daughter pair and they both get a kick out of it (I think for different reasons). If it weren't for the fact that, well, we have to do some work, sometimes I think it's all we'd do all day ;) The only thing is, they are both very adverse to the "pentacles" symbol, and sometimes, I spend so much time talking them down off the edge of the cliff over their aversion to the pentacles suit, that it's hard to just proceed with the reading. What are some of your favourite decks where the pentacles aren't pentacles? I'm looking for a nice deck, that would be good for a novice reader, where the pentacles are wheels, or coins, or something that isn't a pentacle.


Golden Botticelli LS
Kat Black's Golden
Renaissance (Trevisan) *mini on alida
any Marseille

strings of life

Buckland Romani (2nd edition is readily available)
The Housewives Tarot (suit is called Pentacles, but they are represented as plates :laugh: - one of my favorite reading decks)

Not readily available: Victoria Regina


The Quest tarot uses "Stones" in place of pentacles.


How about the Thoth Tarot?


Onyx said:
How about the Thoth Tarot?

Being a n00b, I am intimidated by the Thoth Tarot though I really don't know if that's remotely justified. I've only been reading since December 09 and have only read with Rider-Waite, basically. Is Thoth quite different? I don't know what I'm unclear about.


I'm almost positive that I've seen posts where people have talked about needing decks for people who are uncomfortable with the imagery of pentacles. None of my searches are working though.

The catch is that many decks using alternate symbols for the suits also change their associations. It can be hard for a new reader.


Medieval Scapini

Russian Tarot of St Petersberg