Petition 4 Tarot...


I was told that before someone uses a deck of tarot or oracle cards, one should make a Petition. Is this true...? If so how can one make a petition to the deck of cards...? And also it is said to be devoted to the deck of cards. Anyone cares to elaborate...? Thanks in advance.



I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. This is the first I've ever heard of such a thing. Are you using tarot as part of a particular magickal tradition for which this is a ritual? If not, I'd say don't worry about it.



I have never heard of anything like this either. Could someone be pulling your leg?


Well to promise it something or ask for it to guide you... When I was told this, I was like "Im not signing a contract to some record lable" I know I felt confusd too.


I know that some readers will say a prayer before reading, and a petition is kind of like a prayer. Whether to do so is just personal preference, though, not a necessity by any means.


Some folks believe that a spirit can inhabit a deck. It sounds like they were trying to tell you that you should petition something along these lines. I for one do not believe in such things, but if it works for you...


Sounds like programming a deck, some people program crystals too. You don't have to take it that far. If you want to set the intention to get the best information for whomever you read for, that's cool. But getting that into it takes away from what you should focus on- reading the cards.


You all are right, thanks alot guys :)


jrr01 said:
I was told that before someone uses a deck of tarot or oracle cards, one should make a Petition. Is this true...? If so how can one make a petition to the deck of cards...? And also it is said to be devoted to the deck of cards. Anyone cares to elaborate...? Thanks in advance.

Um ... I've had Tarot cards around for decades, and when I get a new deck I first unwrap them, then look at them in sequence, then shuffle them a lot. then they're generally ready to go.


Well, as people have already told here... just do what feels natural and comfortable to you. You don't have to make a petition or anything if it feels awkward or if it takes something away from your reading experience. Then again, if it's something that feels comfortable to you and helps you focus, by all means do it. People do have their personal Tarot rituals that work for them.

Unfortunately, so many people impose their personal Tarot preferences and rituals upon you, stating you must and mustn't do this or that (like do a prayer, wrap your cards in silk, pick them with your left hand, wear black clothes while reading, wear white clothes while reading, never charge for readings, you must always charge for readings, etc.) There's nothing wrong with Tarot rituals and habits, but only pick the ones you personally like! The truth is, from what I've read on this forum, people use their cards in very different ways, and they all get accurate readings.

It appears some people need a sense of ritual (such as a dedicated reading place, candles, incense, meditation) to set them in the mood, while others treat the cards in a very practical and matter-of-fact manner. It's up to your personality.

That being said, I have a habit of blessing my new decks with a simple ritual. I do it because it helps me sort of "initiate" my deck, to turn it from a mere pile of cardboard and ink into something personal. For me, this is a "must do" because I can't work with a deck that hasn't been blessed... but I'd never go around telling other people they'd have to do it as well.