Picking Decks


I recently went through the full Aeclectic list of tarot decks... and strangely enough invited one of my friends who is a skeptic to do the same. We spent about two days looking over what was on the list and came out with our own picks about 30 decks total- tarot and oracle both. I opted to mark which ones I liked, which he liked, and which ones we both appreciated.

My tastes obviously differed from his by quite a margin. I could deal with more of the abstracts, watercolors, some of the "kiddie images", whereas he prefered the darker images on most of the vampire/gothic styled tarot and rejected most of what I liked. (Of course!)

What's your preference? Meaningful images, enjoyment of an art style... what will make you say "That one. Get in my collection NOW!" and what will make you run from a deck? And do you ever add those that you personally don't care for to your collection for use by others?


When I look at my list of owned decks, narrowed down over a number of years to the true keepers, I can see no pattern or rhyme and reason for what remains. I find that odd...but your query is a good one.

Perhaps more telling is what ISN'T there?

edited to add: by looking at my list in that light I see I have very few LoS decks left, no erotic fairy angel. Only one vampire.


That is an interesting question..for me there are decks of all different 'moods' that I like. I really love my Deviant Moon and I also love my Hanson-Roberts, which are so different in style. I don't go for decks that have real people in them, I seem to get hung up on wondering who these individuals are and this distracts me from the cards. Eww..forgot I have this deck that I cannot stand! The Tarot of Gemstones and Crystals is just so..ewww don't get it! Love crystals but this I get nothing from....geesh I forgot the question..lol I think at times my tastes change..now I am getting to where I really like Thoth.


I like darker decks and themes. Being an emo kid living in a basement I think it's fitting. :D


I tend to like darker more gothicly elegant decks as well. Or decks with newer artwork like computer generated kinds. I love overly Pagan decks too. But my collection is a wide range of styles and themes.


What's your preference? Meaningful images, enjoyment of an art style... what will make you say "That one. Get in my collection NOW!" and what will make you run from a deck?

There has been many threads about that! If you search AT you'll find the preferences of many memebers - and even notice how they changed over the years.

Honestly, I'm completely past the "Get in my collection NOW!" stage. I not longer hurry to get 5 different decks about one subject that I love, because in the end I never really managed to use them all. And usually most of decks (that are mass-market products) will stay around for at least a couple of years before disappearing - that is plenty of time to decide if a deck is worth my time or not.

I'm not a huuuuge collector - I have about 120 decks I think - and I only buy decks that I can see myself using. I also have some decks that are part of my 'art' collection - I keep them for the art factor.

The only exceptions are decks made by specific artists or authors that I love: Robert Place, Emma Gardner, Jasmine Becket-Griffith and Ana Cortez. I have all decks by Emma Garner that have been released, and almost all by Robert Place (I just don't have the The Tarot of the Sevenfold Mystery). Jasmine Becket-Griffith and Ana Cortez only made one deck so far. I'll really buy a deck by any of these guys at the first opportunity.

But I don't buy decks anymore just because of the art style, or because it has a word I like in its name. *shrugs* I now grant myself the time to think twice before ordering any deck. I have enough peace of spirit to not need a new deck every week anymore. I had to kill my inner completionist when I noticed my salary was being used mainly to pay for credit card bills (and almost all expenses were related to tarot and oracles), and now I am glad I did it. I can now appreciate more what I already have, instead of thinking about what I should have.

My bank account is much happier too! ;)


Still waiting for someone to tell me whether they've added a deck they don't like, but would keep around for reading for others. ="


I have ended up with decks I thought I would like, but didn't, once they arrived. I've never ordered one I didn't like. I might do so in the future, though. It can be a good exercise to read with an unloved deck.


Still waiting for someone to tell me whether they've added a deck they don't like, but would keep around for reading for others. ="

I added the Moon Garden which I really don't like, but I find that others like this deck so it stays for them. Maybe I will come to like it one day..


Truth be told I'm not a HUGE fan of the MRP artwork. I think they are nice, but it's not really my tastes. I do keep the BBC and a copy of the BoHo Gothic around because I have friends that LOVE LOVE LOVE when I read them with those decks. They do speak to people. I've taken 3-4 decks with me when reading for people and let them choose which one they most like