Picking up feathers, can it be done safely?


I used to pick up feathers as a kid, never washed them...they were so nice and soft I would sometimes graze it over my cheeks...I also never thought to wash them...nor did I think the mites were an issue...yikes ;)


I handle a lot of wild birds. Feather mites and almost all insects that like birds aren't interested in people ;)
Except the red mites that love chickens. We used to keep a very lot of chickens and those mites LOVE to run around all over us peopels. I still shudder to remember the day I was paid (admittedly quite a lot) to clear out the deep litter they lived in in winter. Afterwards I spent the next hour or so submerging myself in the bathtub while the HORRID little things floated to the surface - where there were enough that they almost formed a crust on the water. EEEW thanks for the memory. Not. I don't think they DID anything to me - but UGH.

I'm not sure they would stay on feathers once there was no bird attached, though...


once there was no bird attached, though...

Hahahahahaha!! Love the phraseology. Two mites panicking because they find themselves on a feather with no bird attached!


Keep in mind that it's illegal to pick up or keep eagle feathers if you are not a registered member of a indigenous tribe, or have a permit.

I know someone who lives on one of the San Juan islands who had a little collection of feathers, feathers she found in her yard and on the beach in front of her house. According to a federal game official she contacted because she was curious after hearing there was a law against it - possession of even one feather can bring a fine of $100,000 and a jail sentence.

So, aside from the mites....yikes.

I do have a few feathers I've collected from here and there. I think I froze them before I put them in my journal.