PICS Of Jagad'umbraed Deck

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I'm waiting to see the pictures of them after being under the car to vote... I think they might look better then. But good job anyway for having the effort and patience to umbrae your deck. To be honest, I was going to umbrae my Deviant Moon, but you now convinced me otherwise... haha :D


Le Fanu said:
That's beautiful! Authentic raggedness! What a beautiful deck!

Okey dokey. You and I certainly have different taste in decks! All I could think of was that icky mildew and how unhealthy that must be. But then I'm ultra sensitive to certain smells, mildew being one of them. I'd toss it. And then you'd all run me out of town for sacrilege!!! LOL


Yeah, all in all, it's just not worth it and an iffy method. You could do the exact same thing I did and yours come out looking beautifully. I still have to figure away to get that coating off of the USG RWS decks though. I can't bear it. I guess I'll have to get rich and buy one of those antique Pam A, B, C, or D.

Linh said:
I'm waiting to see the pictures of them after being under the car to vote... I think they might look better then. But good job anyway for having the effort and patience to umbrae your deck. To be honest, I was going to umbrae my Deviant Moon, but you now convinced me otherwise... haha :D


Don't worry, the first thought that came into my mind was the mildew and its smell and how to remove it without ruining the patina! It is a beautiful deck.

GryffinSong said:
Okey dokey. You and I certainly have different taste in decks! All I could think of was that icky mildew and how unhealthy that must be. But then I'm ultra sensitive to certain smells, mildew being one of them. I'd toss it. And then you'd all run me out of town for sacrilege!!! LOL


GryffinSong said:
Okey dokey. You and I certainly have different taste in decks! All I could think of was that icky mildew and how unhealthy that must be. But then I'm ultra sensitive to certain smells, mildew being one of them. I'd toss it. And then you'd all run me out of town for sacrilege!!! LOL
Instead of toss it I'll take it off your hands. It would be a HUGE favor on my part but for you? Anything. :D

Laura Borealis

I voted Antiqued because I do not think they look atrocious! Just wait till I get back home, I'll take pics of my Umbrae'd RW and we can compare. Maybe even a new poll. Your fluffy dryer deck vs. my filthy looking one. Then we'll see whose is atrocious! :D

Though I have to admit, putting them under your car's wheel is a unique touch and nothing I have done to mine can rival that for coolness.

Debra, that deck is gorgeous. Does it actually smell mildewy? I know there are treatments you can do to get the mildew smell out of books, and I'm sure they would work for a deck too.

jdev said:
I still have to figure away to get that coating off of the USG RWS decks though. I can't bear it. I guess I'll have to get rich and buy one of those antique Pam A, B, C, or D.
Heh, maybe not that old. I read they started doing the coating in the 1980s. Plus there were other printing companies before USG. Have you looked at Holly's RWS pages? She shows a bunch of different versions. (But I want a Pam A, too. Someday!)


I wouldn't say atrocious. Severely fluffy though and would really like to see them after the car pressing. Either way you can't toss them. You have been through a lot with that deck in the last few days. :)


neither antiqued nor atrocious..just distressed and unique!

as a side thought...i used to be an archaeologist & was involved in delibetately burying things* to see the effects of different burial conditions had over time...there's a whole science to it!

You could be the first to use forensics etc on old decks, such as recognising the difference between a deck that had been in the back of a drawer in the dusty attic and a deck that had been in a trunk in a damp cellar!

or a deck that had been dunked in tea and run over by a car compared to one that had been lovingly shuffled by an old Lebanese man for more than half a century then carefully wrapped in silk!!

(* sometimes nasty nasty things!!!:()


Jdev and the RWS beanstalk... :D

Le Fanu

Somebody should do a YouTube video of how to Umbrae. No end of explanations of what this process involves have ever got any nearer to conveying to me exactly how to do it. I think the O.P isn't exactly Umbrae-ing to be honest. It's a more extreme version with different bits done along the way. Genuine Umbrae-ing invloves just cards and a table, I believe...

And please, don't explain again. I'm waiting for the video.