Please help identify this crystal


On this link (scroll down to obelisk) they call it "cherry quartz" though I've never heard of this before:

Many blessings,

Okay, I found out cherry quartz, despite it's name is a man-made stone.


I think it's quite possible that it's man-made too.

Either that or it could be clear quartz with a dye added.


Hello! I have a huge sphere of cherry quartz. It is man-made, I believe, if memory serves me correctly, by melting down real quartz and mixing in the various colors and allowing it to cool in whatever shape you want. *I think this is what I read about it over a couple of years ago when I bought my sphere*, but please don't take it for gospel. I do know that there are also yellow quartzes out there that are made in the same way & maybe other colors as well. Ebay usually carries these man-made items alll the time. Another man-made item that is coming out of Asia that has fooled some folks are incredibly colored zircon points, usually over 3 inches long. They are gorgeous, but are man-made.


We have something similar showing up in German meta stores: treated clear quartz with a strong pink or red colour and it is labelled as "strawberry quartz", so I am pretty convinced the cherry quartz is also a kind of artificially enhanced quartz.


Maybe it is a fire quartz. A clear quartz with red dots inside it.


We discuss this every so often - you cannot 'melt down' quartz. It's a rock. You would need volcanic activity to melt it down.

"Man Made" quartz is usually pulverized quartz that has been mixed with a resin to bind it together. You can grow quartz crystals - there are 'man grown' quartz crystals (they usually have a small opening down the center since they are grown on rods.) I believe if you autoclave amethyst it will change color to citrine ... But I don't think anyone can 'melt' quartz.

Most agate slices, geodes, and vugs you see at a rock shop (especially bookends) have been dyed to make them more attractive.



Cherry Quartz Obelisk
A beautiful cherry quartz obelisk with white quartz cloud-like inclusions. Stands at 11 cm tall

the key word here is 'inclusion,' that is material that the crystal grows around, sometimes it is just dirt, othertimes it is metalic substances ( i have titaniuam-rutilated quartz points).


paradoxx said:
the key word here is 'inclusion,' that is material that the crystal grows around, sometimes it is just dirt, othertimes it is metalic substances ( i have titaniuam-rutilated quartz points).

But the inclusions are 'white cloud-like' matter. Not red, like the red dye (or whatever) they use to make cherry quartz, lol. Unless you meant something else here?

Cherry quartz is enhanced.


The 'inclusions' are not necessarily quartz, so they could more readily absorb dyes than quartz might. My immediate impression of the obelisks was exactly that ~ real quartz that was dyed and some of the more porous stone absorbed more dye.