Pros and Cons Thread #2 - Enabling and De-Enabling


I saw the images of the cards and I was like WOW, they look so vibrant and colorful! But then Amazon said it was rare...until I saw someone post a link where it was for sale (! Since then I cannot put the deck out of my mind. But then, the main problem is money! It might cost too much to ship to my country, and I don't even know if I'm going to use it regularly :( So, can someone give me an idea of:

1.) how the big the cards are
2.) how they feel
3.) how well they shuffle

especially with regards with this edition of the deck? But then older editions are fine too, just tell how you connected + read with the cards. Thanks!
You might want to read this thread:

It seems that people (including me) have been waiting for this deck forever!


Oh bleep. Duplicate post.

And also ninjaed in part by michellehihi


The original cards are good quality and shuffle well. And the original edition of the deck is a good deal cheaper on abebooks than it is on amazon. The artist's reprint isn't out yet as far as I know.

I am puzzled by that page you have linked; it says preorder and it says it "will" be out - last June. I found that she was planning to use indiegogo to bring this about - and there is a page there which shows she did raise the money. So why it would show a PREORDER for delivery in June 2015... I am - just puzzled !

There is no contact info on her website, either :(

OH. Details are in a thread here:

You may like to read before you buy.... Some people paid last March and haven't heard anything.


There is a Spanish edition of the World Spirit that was cheap and easy to get until recently.


I have the Llewellyn set but it seems that a different version has gone on eBay for not very much. I don't remember ever using it and it does look unused. (edit) I looked more closely at the eBay ones and I think they must just be different Llewelyn printings.

I read about the Spanish version but they are not in Spanish. The outer box is yellow but the inner book and box are black like mine. Mine is in one of those nice little mini kits and I sure wish they still did those. Both of the ones I saw went for <$15 I think. I only checked one but it looked fine. Draw pants on that guy :)

It is colorful.



No pants. You no like men's bits - use a deck that doesn't show them !

There certainly ARE Spanish versions of the deck for sale on amazon.


No pants. You no like men's bits - use a deck that doesn't show them !

There certainly ARE Spanish versions of the deck for sale on amazon.

It is not so much his "bits" as the situation in which he is pantless. The deck I looked at was not in Spanish (eBay). I checked. I didn't say there weren't any, just that the one I saw was in English and was in a yellow Llewellyn box with the big white box partition.



Goodness - which card is that offensive ? I can't actually see anything really awful.

Mine was an early print in a mercifully small box with no vacant space !


Gregory, it's the setting-- no-pants man watching children at play.

eta: see below. some people also dislike the knife in this context


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I read about the Spanish version but they are not in Spanish. The outer box is yellow but the inner book and box are black like mine. Mine is in one of those nice little mini kits and I sure wish they still did those. Both of the ones I saw went for <$15 I think. I only checked one but it looked fine. Draw pants on that guy :)

I happen to have the Spanish version, and both the deck and the book are indeed in Spanish. Maybe you saw an English version in a Spanish box. They seem identical, packaging and all, except for titles and text.

I can't tell if it's still available because I haven't looked, but I got my set for about $15 shipped.