Queen of swords as last card in 5 card timeline spread



I had a reading from an excellent reader 2 months back, and the last card she drew is still still a mystery to me. I asked at the end of my reading for a 5 month timeline reading, and she has always been bang on with those. For my last card, for January, she drew a Queen of Swords. She said that in January would be a manifesting whatever I want then. I presume I will be fully employed then, which is why she said that. I was wondering if there might be other interpretations to what she said or if anyone could verify it. So far, what she has predicted has come true.

Any look into this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much!

Just as a background, I moved back to my home state after several years away because I have a professional license here and have a much greater chance of getting a good job here vs where I was.


Queen Swords.

You'll certainly be much more aware of what your actual wants and needs are by then, since she is the queen of clear thinking.


Agree with Nisaba .. the Qn of Swords knows what she wants & gets it.

She is a keen observer, and uses "what she knows" and her "power of persuasion" to get it. Not to mention, that she's very goal oriented.

Just another thot .. sometimes this Queen represent an "influential woman", so keep this in mind when it comes any job opportunities that arise.


The Queen of Swords is the card of an educated, professional independent woman, so I'd think it sounds like you will be.