The grass is greener?


So I did a spread on how X feels about Y & I got the fool with the 2 of wands clarifiying, initially I thought that X was feeling that he'd been or was being foolish in some way concerning the querant but I couldn't make sense of how the 2 of wands was giving the same meaning & clarifying that. I dunno why but I'm seeing these two as saying he feels the grass is greener. Wondering how others would read fool clarified by 2 of wands??? I always get a bit stuck with 2 of wands & not very clear on the fool in the feelings position either so any help greatly appreciated as I feel I maybe missing something here.


Keep things moving along...

I always get a bit stuck with 2 of wands & not very clear on the fool in the feelings position either so any help greatly appreciated as I feel I maybe missing something here.
What the two have in common is that they aren't picky, everything looks the same anyway to them, and moving on is more important than pausing to inspect or judge.

To elaborate, the Fool is like a little kid who is fascinated by everything as he walks along. Snail? Cool. Bird? Cool. Flower. Cool...and after looking at each, on the kid runs to the next thing and the next and the next. Moving along is more important than inspecting, judging or figuring the thing out.

2/Wands usually indicates a decision, but it's between two things that appear so similar that you often feel it doesn't really matter which you pick. And as you want to put your energy into one and get the project underway, you pick one and head forward. You spend less time choosing the wand than you do examining the globe and figuring out where to go with it.

Given this, I would say that X just want to move on with Y. That's their feeling. Y may be all "let's slow down, let's think this over, let's examine where we're going...." But X sees no reason to do that. There's something cool up ahead and Y is wasting time studying the snail as if it was somehow better than the bird. :) Maybe?


The fool as feelings that someone has for another has come up for me to describe someone who wants to have fun with the other person, but no commitment, no ties. This person wants to feel free and head off on adventures. Clarified by the two of wands I'd see as a relationship that's about passion, mutual sexual attraction so this person clearly sees the other as a sexual partner.


For me the Fool comes up as someone who does things their way regardless of other's opinions or risk. They don't care how others think or feel about them. With the 2 of wands, this person feels they have choices, as long as the other person goes along with them they will hang around. They have a "its my way or the highway" attitude. They feel they are in control.
Is the grass greener? Only if you are willing to go their way, taking a chance. The grass is always greener, but it is an illusion.


Fool is looking at this as diving in, enthusiastic and game for anything. He/she will do whatever the other partner wants to try, but is the one not suggesting what to do, as indicated by the 2 of wands. Learning new things.


'Let us two Fools go about our way together, 'world be damned.'

is what sprung to mind.


I'm sort of with you Scarlot. For some reason I think this is a young'un we're talking about. The Fool is on an adventure and he's going for a thrilling wander. Dare I say he's 'nailed' 2 wands so far in this adventure and he's enjoying the view whilst at the same time 'eyeing' the globe until he wanders off into the next adventure. There's a lot of wands to be nailed.


The Fool can be fearless and open to wonder, up for any possibility and luckily free of old baggage, everything is fresh.
Two Wands can be a doorway and yes, a decision to keep the safe know way or take a risk and seek the unknown, unlimited possibilities... so maybe the grass is greener on the other side.
It seems these two cards would be indicative of an adventurer on a grand adventure.


The fool feels free to follow his bliss however he still needs to choose which way he wants to go with his newfound freedom. The advice: Whatever he chooses to do will require planning and deliberation. Others do not *suffer fools gladly* despite appearances to the contrary.