Question about bad dream.


So i hope I'm posting this in the right spot.

Im new to Tarot, I always knew what it was because my mom used to read the cards years back but stopped. I just ordered a deck online, Tarot of The Magical Forest, and I got it yesterday. Opened it up and looked at them all, (love the style of them), and began shuffling them so we could "get to know each other". I finished my practicing of the Majors, shuffled them again and put them back into their original box.

Before I went to sleep I decided to put the deck under by pillow(i have big fluffy pillows so I didnt feel them)so that my energy and the deck could mesh and i could get accurate readings. I ended having a horrible dream that my sister was hurt/dissapeared in a car accident. I dont know which because I woke up right away.

Now my question is this, shoud I not sleep with my deck, and does that mean my deck might have negative vibes/energies? Do you maybe think I should smudge my deck. I also have a giant piece of quartz that is special to me because it belonged to a loved one. Please help thanks!


It could just be an old fashioned bad dream or maybe you have anxieties about reading someone's future? (Dream interpretation is another discussion entirely) Smudging a deck is always a good idea. It's entirely up to you, but I've heard some people recommend putting it underneath moonlight aside from the putting it underneath your pillow. I just do general energy work to clear it manually, but I'm sure there's already tons of suggestions on here if you do a forum search. It's up to you.

For dream interpretation, I sometimes use this site:


thank you I'll check it out! :)


I think it is a I am sure you have had bad dreams before when you had no tarot deck under your pillow. Besides, those cute little critters of the Magical Forest deck don't have an evil bone in their adorable little bodies.

If it makes you feel better, you can smudge your deck, or say some prayers over it, or put it on a moonlit windowsill on the odd days of the week etc. But just keep in mind, they are just cards, and don't have the power to make anything good or bad happen. So don't be afraid of them!


It probably didn't have anything at all to do with the deck. Your subconscious, the part of the brain that's active during sleep, has no concept of time so this dream about your sister could have resulted from some concern about your sister, even from years ago, maybe something you don't even remember about. You may have seen a news report about something happening to someone else's sister in the past and then thought, "How awful. I can imagine how her brother/sister must be feeling" and now your subconscious dredged it up the night you put your deck under your pillow.

I've seen it said that we're all the people and objects in our dreams in a symbolic way. Maybe that's possible, too.