possibly the strangest question I've ever asked here


I know this is an odd question.

Can anyone think of any particular tarot cards that contain the image of a sheep?

Not a goat. Preferrably not a ram. I'm really looking for a woolly sheep, or I suppose a lamb would do.

The two I have so far are the Queen of Batons from the Vacchetta (Tarot of the Master) and, oddly, the Queen of Staves from the Ship of Fools Tarot.

I know someone is probably going to ask why.......can I just say because I'm curious, and a bit lazy, which is why I'm asking for help. :)



There's one (maybe two) in Deirdre of the Sorrows. I don't remember which card(s), but...


The Thoth has a lamb sitting at the feet of the Emperor


Thanks Nina, I don't have Deirdre of the Sorrows to check through but will see if I can find anything on-line. And thanks also closrapexa re the Thoth.

Just had a thought that there might be a lamb somewhere in Dame Fortune's Wheel. Will have to dig it out and look through.


There are sheep in the Jacques Vieville and some older decks. Instead of a Tower, there is a shepherd and his sheep huddled under a "lightening-struck tree."


Ahh, thanks Debra, I'd completely forgotten but I have seen the card/s you mean. That's fantastic. :)


Tarot of the Magical Forest? It's certainly got fluff - off to check....

Certainly in Strength, not sure about elsewhere :)


Excellent, I found them on-line, Strength and Temperance, and so cute. Fantastic, thanks.


.. the Queen of Staves from the Ship of Fools Tarot.
....or maybe that is a goat? I'm just looking at a scan on-line but think I'll need to dig out my actual deck, and maybe find the book. I think it could be a goat.


Thanks Nina, I don't have Deirdre of the Sorrows to check through but will see if I can find anything on-line.

Let me know if you want me to find the images for you (I have the deck).