Question - How long do you keep readings?


Some thoughts came up today at work (since I need to clear my pm box LOL) ..........

Just wondering whether anyone keeps a copy of the readings that they do or receive ....... not just the ones for themselves, but for others. If so, for how long?

Having somewhat of a Virgoan natal influence *ahem* :rolleyes: I think I have a copy of virtually every reading I've ever done for anyone, and of course, coming up 2 years this is stacking up and I need to clear space (specially since most are on my work pc).

Originally I thought it was a good idea in case people lost them and wanted another copy (and this has actually happened to me) ...... but then I got to thinking ....... I'm not going to be going back and re-reading them, .... even if kept for a period of time for querant to come back to you ....... there should be a cut-off time?

I also worry about boundaries ....... these readings are personal to individuals ...... what do others think about this? What do others do about this?


I'd think if a querent came back I'd suggest a new reading!


I don't write down all the readings, and it is not a strict rule but when I find readings from querents which I haven't seen for more than a year then I will throw them away. As these readings are personal they get ripped to very small pieces before getting rid of them. There are no full names on readings anyway, just to be sure they are of no use for anyone but me or the querent.


I do readings for another forum in the main as well as personal readings. I keep a word document for each and every reading I do on the forum on the computer in its own folder. I have also included the readings I have done on this forum along with all feedback received.

I guess it must also be 2 years old now, and has in the region of 180 readings /word documents saved. I think keeping it electronically (backed up regularly) is not too unwieldy. I do have my very first readings from 10 years ago recorded in an A4 book, with details of date, person, and cards chosen. I think looking at it like this, every reading I have done for others has been recorded in one form or another.

I have not always recorded my own, as some of them have not been something I may want to reflect on long term.

I don't necessarily read them regularly, especially now they are mounting up. It does help though if I feel I am getting too familiar through having read a few times for an individual. I think when that happens there is a danger I could lose my objectivity and then gently direct them to another reader on the forum.

I think as long as it is a confidential and private document, whatever the format, there should not be any real issues. Mine are always kept under their forum ID, so they could not be identified unless someone did some digging around. I guess if we go down the road of Data Protection act it could become complex. If someone does feel uncomfortable there is nothing wrong with telling the client you keep this record for development and feedback purposes. I know I would not feel unhappy with this, and if anything would feel it was quite a professional thing to do.

I guess it is all down to personal preference, and what we feel comfortable doing.



I was once told to forget about a reading. That's what I try to do. Sometimes I put down some readings and cards but most of the times, if someone, for whom I have already read comes back, I do a completely new reading and don't even try to remember what the reading was like the last time this person came to me.


Thanks everyone for your replies. Well most of my readings have been conducted here ...... and are available through searches anyway. But I reckon I must have around 500 ..... maybe more ...... and that's without ones I've received. I just don't particularly want to keep soft copies on my work pc and doubt I'll have the space on my home pc. I have some in a word doc though and if I delete them, they will be shredded ...... which is exactly what I do when I take notes for my readings.

Also, it's pretty rare that I remember any of the readings that I do for people. Once they've been done and sent ...... they've usually left my mind!

I guess I just wondered what people here did about the readings they did for others ...... and whether there were any preferences.

x Huredriel


I can never remember what I've said in a reading . . . next day and it's gone completely from my mind.

However, I treat the readings as I used to treat a patient's medical notes. In other words, I keep them. I print them up and, if I've had feedback, I put that at the end. The value of keeping them, I think, is that if you read for someone at a later date you can see what they've come through in the past. Sometimes a card can come up that was in a previous reading, suggesting something that is causing long term difficulties. I think it's Joan Bunning who quotes a case history on her website - the case of a woman for whom she did three readings over the course of a year or so and where it was both interesting and informative to look back at the previous readings.


I have several personal readings from more than a year ago that has turned out to be essential in understanding my recent readings. If I hadn't saved them, I would probably have missed something very important going on.

Not saying that every reading is important ten years down the road, but I'd be reluctant to discard anything as "over and done with" simply because I wouldn't assume that I knew it was.

I see the problem if we're talking about hundreds of readings for different people, but if I had that amount of readings I'd be looking at storing them on CD instead of on the computer itself. That would also save me the trouble of deciding which to discard and which to keep.


Thanks Netzach and TenofSwords ....... hmmm CD ....... I am actually computer illiterate :D ....... but I now (after a year and a half) have word on my home pc ...... so perhaps shall paste up from email and get a mate to help me. I do have one file of printed out readings (350 pages long) ..... so will keep as is, because once I'd printed I deleted the document.

Guess I'll be keeping them for a while longer then eh :) ........ and if anyone needs reminding of a reading I've done for them, drop me a pm!

Many thanks
x Huredriel


I keep all readings I have done or that have been done for me, forever. I have them all typed (lately including images of the cards)and set out in binders that I have numbered and with I can easily find whichever readings I need.

Readings done about my life are useful, because I can see how my life has changed over the years.

Readings I have done for others or for myself, show me how my skills have been progressing over time. The readings I have done for others I save with the feedback. So looking back at feedback gained from others is also useful in honing your skills,

My Tarot journals are completley private of course, I would never let anyone else near them. Any info I give a querent is always only completley between them and myself.
