Question Mark? Spread


6-Card Spread in the shape of a question mark. Yes, it must be in the shape of a question mark. Why? Because I like it that way.


This is a spread in the shape of a question mark that I made up one night while wondering about current going-ons in my life. I find this spread to be accurate in its portrayal of myself.

1) What kind of person you are at the moment.
2) What you're doing with your life.
3) How other people see you. (Positioned so it is aligned with card 1)
4) What you should be doing. (Not specifically opposed to card 2, so they aren't aligned, but still somewhat related. It's at a slant, connecting cards 3 and 5)
5) Who you want to be right now. (Card 4 can show you what you can do along the way.)
6) Card 6 is separate from the rest of the cards, as it is the dot of the question mark. It shows who you will aspire to be (or what you will aspire to do, pick either one) in the near future. I think this is important mainly because I believe that no one truly knows what they want or who they want to be until very late in life or death, so what you think you want is constantly changing.


Welcome to Aeclectic!

Isn't your question mark backward? Nice spread otherwise.



rwcarter said:
Welcome to Aeclectic!

Isn't your question mark backward? Nice spread otherwise.


Maybe, but not if you're looking through a mirror... which it appears by its questions, this spread is designed to do...

Nice Spread.

Just my 2 cents



Looking through a mirror! Gotcha.


I like this spread a lot, all the cards and positions were very clear.. but the sixth card is the 4 of Coins, and I can't make any sense of it, since I am currently aspiring to let go of something, not hold onto it. Ideas, anyone?


sorceress said:
I like this spread a lot, all the cards and positions were very clear.. but the sixth card is the 4 of Coins, and I can't make any sense of it, since I am currently aspiring to let go of something, not hold onto it. Ideas, anyone?
Hi sorceress,

If you'd like to discuss one or more cards from your reading, you should create a thread over in Your Readings. Check out the Posting Guidelines first though.

If you'd like to discuss the many meanings of the 4 Coins as an aspiration, then Using Tarot Cards would be the proper forum. (But if you want to discuss the 4 Coins as your aspiration considering the other cards in the reading or what's going on in your life, then Your Readings is still the appropriate place.)



This is a nice spread! I love how each card's placement means something. This is going straight to my journal, thanks for sharing! :>